Dome Community Ethnicity in Beyond The Dome | World Anvil
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Dome Community

The Dome Community live in a somewhat idyllic, futuristic city encased inside a Dome, which is entirely self-sufficient and exists away from nature. Living away from nature has led to a somewhat regression in knowledge and the world outside became something of nightmares or ghost stories. There is an ongoing debate amongst the community about whether to explore beyond or keep the gates closed as the Founders intended.


Culture and cultural heritage

  • They bring with them the fears of the outside world that were brought in by the Founders who created the Dome to shelter from the outside world and its associated climate disaster. 

Shared customary codes and values

  • Community must always come before the individual.

Average technological level

  • Advanced in many ways, but regressive in others. 
  • Automatic Gravity works to protect people from trips and falls. 

Art & Architecture

  • The people live in futuristic Domed cities. Their cities are, by neccessitiy, small and so the architecture reflects the need to maximise space. Tall, interconnected skyscrapers sprawl from the centre. 
  • The buildings are colourful, painted with geometric art and bright neon signs keep the 24 hour city vibrant.

Foods & Cuisine

  • The Dome Community live amongst the Toxic Plains where acid rain destroyed most of the vegitation. Therefore, food is laboratory made. 
  • Nutri-Foods is the most popular organisation for making foods. They offer laboratory perfected meals to suit the health needs of individuals. Their special Nutri-Blend comes in a variety of flavours.

Common Myths and Legends

  • Creation and views of the earth: Generally they believe that the earth is flat; that there is no more water left in the ocean (the common belief is that the ocean is made of plastic)
  • Others: Ghosts in the mists. 

Historical figures

  • The Founders: The original group who brainstormed this idea.
  • Amelia: A brave explorer who ventures beyond the Dome. 

Major organizations

  • Nutri-Foods: Provides all the food for the Community
  • Micro-Homes: Provides accomodation and sleeping pods.
  • Air Filtration Systems: Filteres the air inside the Dome. They provide Air+ which is a range of scented air. Recently, they have been working on portable Air+ solutions for Explorer's Guild ventures.
  • The Explorers' Guild (and their Engineering Guild and Archaeologist Guild): These are the organisations tasked with exploring the world outside.
  • Petition to Close the Gates: A small, but growing, organisation who believe that the world outside is too dangerous and that it should be closed, as the founders intended.


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