Petition to close the gates Organization in Beyond The Dome | World Anvil
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Petition to close the gates


This is a small but growing organisation. Set up as an opposition to the Explorers' Guild  Their role is to protest any exploration related activities and keep the debate going.


These people believe that the world outside is dangerous and no good would come of exploring it.   Leaving the gates unsealed puts the community more at risk from the toxic earth.   They believe that The Founders were right to seal the gates in the beginning.

Public Agenda

Keep the world outside where it belongs: Outside!
— A common saying


This group came into effect during the initial debates to open the gates. They were small in number and those in favour of exploring beyond far outwaid their concerns. Therefore the Explorers Guild was set up.    Early explorations had several failures that leant weight to the argument to close the gate. With each failure, the Petition to Close the Gates grows more support.

Close The Gates

Social, Activist
Parent Organization
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