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Arconium is a precious metal found exclusively in Lower Agartha in very small quantities.


Material Characteristics

The color of arconium is a unique color that cannot be observed in any other circumstance. It is best described as a greenish yellow-purple, often known as octarine.   When touching arconium with bare skin, static electrical shock is very common.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Arconium is highly durable, and even small amounts can support an absurd amount of stress before giving way.   The area directly around any amount of arconium appears to be immune to the negative effects of the passage of time, effectively stopping all sorts of aging and decay.   While no magnetic properties have been observed, if given the opportunity, arconium will point away from the Ice Wall (assuming the metal is located at Agartha), in a similar manner to a compass. It is unknown where it points to, as no expeditions have made it far enough to find out.


Blue arconium is an alloy of arconium and steel known for its use in weapons of legend. The low percentage of arconium required means it is an excellent use for the rare metal. Blue arconium is both highly durable and easily manipulatable (both physically and in terms of strange abilities). Despite its name, blue arconium is a silvery grey.

Origin & Source

No natural source of arconium has been found. All sources of arconium have been salvaged from tools and artifacts found in the ruins of Lower Agartha. Because of the hostile environment, nearly nothing is known about these ancient ruins.

History & Usage

Manufacturing & Products

Blue arconium is frequently used in the production of weaponry at the Forge of Oberon.
Bitter, metallic, almost spicy
Octarine (see physical characteristics)
Common State
Related Locations


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