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Hounds of Tindalos

The Hounds of Tindalos (goniatus kryfoo) are highly aggressive creatures that inhabit Tindalos and are considered one of, if not the, most dangerous parts of traveling or getting trapped there.

Basic Information


The Hounds of Tindalos are large quadrapeds with fleshy skin and patches of a bone-like material covering its body. At the top of each leg are 2-3 tentacle-like appendages, as well as a large tentacle-like tail on its rear.   It's head is long and has many empty holes. It's mouth has two jaws and contains a long, sharp, and hollow tounge ideal for sucking out bodily fluids from prey.   It's internal skeletal and muscular system is much larger than what is possible from it's outward size. It's bones are a fragile cartilage, but due to the sheer amount of bones it must break several bones before it's abilities are at all impeded.   It's fleshy membrane constantly produces a highly toxic blue pus-like substance. This substance evaporates completely in a day within Tindalos, but lasts indefinitely outside.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Hounds of Tindalos do not reproduce though standard means, and are born through egg sacks that spontaneously generate hanging from a ceiling of Tindalos in locations that have not been observed in a while. These egg sacks are large, up to 3 meters in height and drip with a blue pus-like substance. An egg sack takes roughly 2 months to hatch 50-100 baby hounds, which quickly run into a nearby corner and disperse throughout Tindalos.

Growth Rate & Stages

After hatching, a houndling is at most 3 inches tall, and grow as soon as consuming its first prey.   They can live indefinitely, but eventually die of starvation or being eaten by another hound, whichever comes first.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Hounds of Tindalos can consume any matter from a living thing that can observe and perceive its surroundings, including other Hounds of Tindalos.


The Hounds of Tindalos are solitary, highly aggressive creatures that will hunt to the ends of Earth if necessary. It will select the first living thing that sees it as its target, and will stop at nothing until it kills and consumes the target from the inside out.   The target can be anything, including other hounds if there are no other options. Common prey include humans that got lost, and humans that accidentally observed a hound through the use of Liao.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The bone-like plates that cover it can be fitted into armor.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Hounds of Tindalos have no trouble understanding the layouts of any room or environment, mgahoth'soth or not. They can perceive things around corners to a certain extent, and can observe the physical location of any living thing making direct eye contact with them, regardless of whether it could observe them otherwise.  


The Hounds of Tindalos have the ability to warp and change the geometry around them to impossible degrees, although this ability is weakened outside of Tindalos and almost useless within the Ice Wall.   They also possess the ability to teleport between any angles of mgahoth'soth or sharper than 180°. This makes escaping them highly difficult.
Also known as
Scientific Name
goniatus kryfoo
Average Height
1.5-2 meters
Geographic Distribution


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