Psychic Wind Physical / Metaphysical Law in Beyond the Ice Wall | World Anvil
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Psychic Wind

Psychic wind is an ostensibly meteorological phenomenon characterized by volumes of atmosphere that have strange—usually, but not strictly psychological—effects on life that it encounters. Such volumes can range from a few cubic meters to 6,000 cubic miles, and can grow or shrink in size. Psychic wind moves with the current of the wind, and its course can hypothetically be predicted.


Most individuals who encounter psychic wind only experience minor psychological ailments. Headaches, intoxication, or collective hallucinations are all common conditions that go away when the wind passes. Those who are unlucky may develop more chronic psychological conditions such as anxiety, depression, or schizophrenia. Others may develop strange psychic powers.   In rare cases, psychic wind can cause one to develop physical modifications, such as the growth of tentacles or proboscises. These physical changes can affect individuals, or can affect multiple people in the same way at once. It is suspected that various heavily modified human ethnicities, such as the Thuum'ha and the Leechmen, were originally the result of a psychic wind modifying their ancestors identically.   Psychic wind is otherwise physically indistinguishable from normal wind, although when viewed at night, it can produce displays of light comparable to aurora borealis.


Psychic wind has been observed all throughout The Boundless Expanse, but is most commonly found in R'lyeh and the surrounding oceans. It is for this reason scientists suspect it has something to do with The Tinge or the strange properties that surround Cthulhu's rotting corpse.


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