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The Illuminati

A secret Abrahamic cult based in the Known World, dedicated to withholding and removing any information about the the Ice Wall and the World Beyond.   Since the Breakthrough, their beliviers and Envoys have been stretched thin trying to maintain the veil of secrecy

Mythology & Lore

When all the deities of the world fused together to form the Ambrahamic God, He sequestered a part of the world in a circular wall of ice, which eventually became referred to as the Known World.   The Illuminati asserts that the Known World is all that God cares about, and that anyone Beyond is not only unable to contact him, but will be unable to enter any afterlife.

Divine Origins

The Illuminati was formed in secret in 1205 by Pope Innocent III upon hearing rumors of a continent (that would later be known as Avalon) completely detatched from the influence of God.

Tenets of Faith

They are forbidden from utilizing the abnormal properties of anything originating from the Beyond. The exception to this is a group of 12 individuals selected by God known as the Envoys who dedicate their lives to the cause

Political Influence & Intrigue

The Illuminati has great influence over much of the Known World
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