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The Leechfather

The Leechmen worship a mysterious deity known as the Leechfather. According to their traditions the Leechfather is a great, giant leech that dwells deep beneath the surface of the earth. And while the Leechfather currently slumbers, if he were to one day wake up his thirst would be unquenchable and in his efforts to sate it would drain the entire world. Believing the Leechfather stirring in his sleep to be responsible for the earthquakes that occasionally shake the Leechdens, they make bloody sacrifices and live offerings in order to keep him from waking. These sacrifices are made by throwing living offerings into the dens that can be found in various parts of the Leechdens. These sacrifices usually consist of Leechmen, but humans and other peoples aren’t unheard of.
  The Leechmen consider the Leechfather as both their benefactor and malefactor, bestowing upon them the blessings that enable their survival in the harsh swamps. But this came at the cost of twisting their form into something distinctly different from the humans they once were. Though more extreme and fanatical Leechmen consider even this twisting of their form and loss of their humanity a blessing as well, embracing their more monstrous form. These Leechmen wish to emulate the Leechfather and indiscriminately drain travelers who enter their territory of blood in honor of their god.
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