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The large town of Sundown

Sundown is a sleepy, backwater town steeped in the melancholy of its forgotten past. Nestled on the edge of the Western Marches, it feels as though time has passed it by, leaving only echoes of former glory. Weathered, timber-framed buildings lean under the weight of the years, their once-vibrant facades dulled by the elements. The streets are quiet, often wrapped in mist, with only the occasional traveler passing through its lonely marketplace. As the sun sets, the town seems to sink further into its somber atmosphere, the fading light casting long shadows over a place forever caught between history and obscurity.

Sundown is a town where economy, entertainment, and religion intertwine to shape daily life. At the heart of the town's spiritual life is the Sundown Church, which still holds considerable influence over its inhabitants. Offering guidance and maintaining a moral compass, the church serves as a quiet authority within the town. Its reach extends to the outskirts, where the temple in Last Light, a smaller chapter of the church, continues to follow its lead, reminding the people of the divine order amidst the town's faded grandeur.

In terms of entertainment, Sundown boasts two main inns that cater to different crowds. The Gilded Stag Inn is a reputable and cozy establishment, popular with wealthy travelers and merchants who seek a more comfortable stay. Meanwhile, the Copper Kettle is known for its welcoming atmosphere and affordable meals, attracting a more varied clientele of locals and travelers alike. For those living on the fringes of society, there are rougher places like The Rusted Mug and The Swill Pit, taverns where the town’s poorer and more rugged inhabitants gather, sharing drinks and tales in a far less refined environment.

On the economic side, the Sundown Guildhouse stands as the town’s unofficial center of power. While it serves as a meeting place for the town’s various guilds, its true influence runs deeper, shaping Sundown’s trade, business, and political decisions. More than a mere economic hub, the Guildhouse is the town's backbone, where deals are struck and alliances forged, quietly controlling much of the ebb and flow of life in Sundown.
Cobbled streets where silence clings
Beneath the shade of broken kings
The sun shines down by broken arches
And beyond... the Western Marches
Founding Date
240 A.C.
Large town
Circa 4200


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