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The Night Watch

The Night Watch

The village has no fixed guardsmen or soldiers. To safeguard against petty crime and make sure the people of Last Light can sleep soundly at night, the Night Watch was created, made up of 25 able-bodied men and women. Practically, their main responsibility is breaking up the odd drunk brawl at the inn and guarding the Sundown Trail, notably questioning travelers late at night about their purpose. If a monster is spotted or in case of a calamity such as fire, their purpose is to rally the others. They appoint their own leader, known as the catchpole.

Eligibility and permissions

All members of the Night Watch are the only citizens of Last Light who are not only permitted but also required to keep arms and armor in their houses. In general, the members take great pride in maintaining this kit, many of these items having been handed down over many generations. Most often this entails a light crossbow and a polearm.
Civil Services


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