2nd Lvl Spell Light Spell: Shape Light

As the light comes out of your palms you begin shape it like clay into the form of a great lion...


Able to shape light into the form of anything the caster can think of (for RP purposes, what the character themselves can think of, not the player). the maximum size for the spell is equal to the caster's Lvl.: 4-8 Size T-S, 9-12 Size M-H, 13-16 Size G-C. all stats equal to shaped creature's normal stats + caster's Lvl.   Wis. or Con. DC=16+Size of creature: T-S=+2, M-H=+4, G-C=+8.

Side/Secondary Effects

if the DC is failed it could temporarily blind the caster from light or darkness.


the smell and noises would be similar to whatever the caster shaped the light into.
Related Organizations
Material Components
The Caster needs to be of a Good Alignment.
Related Discipline
Light Magic
Related School
School of Light Magic
Related Element
caster must be equal to lvl-4 or higher to cast this spell.


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