College of Light Magic

Deep in a cave west of "Gorod Tsarya" in the bowels of a hidden temple two magi take off their black robes showing their white tunics; one of the magi began to sit down on a pedestal in this diamond shaped carved stone arena, and the other magi across from him followed suit. And after some time they stopped staring at each other and jumped up off the ground and one of the magi casted a beam of light in the shaped of a serpent out of her mouth and the other magi a smokey shadowy cloud of a serpent out of his mouth and they began to control the serpents like puppeteers to a marionette with their fingers: The Serpents began to clash at each other trying to rip off the head of the other, until they began to coil upwards like a rope and then the one of the magi began to cast a beam of light out of her palm onto the eyes of the other magi across from her. His eyes were blinded and his serpent was constricted and it's shadowy head torn off by the light and the Serpent of light began to strike onto the blinded magi but he regain his sight and jumped up in air rolling and spat out a giant cloudy smoke of shadow and it began to corrupt the serpent destroying it entirely and then the two magi began to stare each other again and one of the magi began to say "That was a dirty trick my Love, to blind me like that when you were losing" and the other magi rolled her eyes and said "That's what you think, I was already winning from the beginning and wanted to show off, that's all".


They live in secrecy. not much is known about them because those who attend are sworn an oath of secrecy and loyalty to their order.

Public Agenda

They simply wish to be left in peace, they desire autonomy from the other schools of magic.


they have a few temples in Weskonia and Degora combined.
Guild, Mages
Light Magi
Leader Title
Related Species

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