3rd Lvl Light Spell: Shadow walk/Glowing Presence

As Joseph walked into the alley he felt as though someone was watching him but he could not see anybody around him; he thought he was just feeling anxious to kill his first vampire. but then he noticed something strange, something Joseph had never seen before. A shadow of a man was twitching, but it was so obscure that you could barely tell it was moving at all but Joseph knew what he saw and he quickly began to look around him once more but he saw nobody and he ran thinking it was a trap and then the shadow began to run after him. Joseph was in shock and couldn't believe his very own eyes. Then just before Joseph could get out of the alleyway a hooded man jumped out of the shadow and grabbed Joseph and they fell to ground. Joseph was fighting him off as best as he could but the hooded man choked Joseph and the man had his hands around Joseph's throat with all of his might. Joseph was losing consciousness as the air from his lungs was gone. but Joseph remembered the gauntlet Vladmir gave him and Joseph activated the hidden wrist blade and stabbed the man in the side of his head and killed him. Joseph pushed the man's body off of him to the side and quickly got up and ran back to his room at the inn.....   Donna led the group of adventurers to the cave and she casted a spell under her breath then she began to glow brightly in the cave making it much more clearer to see inside....


The Caster (if they are of an evil alignment) sinks into the ground or wall or ceiling in the form of a shadow.   The Caster (If they are of a good alignment) begins to glow brightly shining upon everything around them like the sun.   WIS+CON DC= 15+HP depleted.


The shadow will be in the shape of the caster's regular shadow except the obscure twitching that only the greatest marksmans could barely see.   The caster's body will begin to grow very brightly


Power from a spell book or from power within.
Related Organizations
Material Components
For Shadow walk the caster has to be in a dimly lit area.
Gestures & Ritual
The caster says the name of the spell and touches where they want to sink into.
Related Discipline
Light Magic
Related School
School of Light Magic
Related Element
Effect Duration
until exposed to light or until the caster stops the spell.
The brightness from glowing presence, ft= Caster's Lvl+Wis. Skill bonus
At least 8 Lvl's in Light Magic.
Applied Restriction
Shadow walk can't be used in bright areas.


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