City of Pyram


the god-pharoah demands tribute every half of the year, taxing 10% of your total wealth to be given to the king.


it has a large sandstone brick wall that is 90ft tall, and 20ft thick that surrounds the city with four towers upon each side of the wall, equaling to twelve towers in total: for the purpose of keeping watch for invaders, or as an entrance up to the wall.

Industry & Trade

any kind of merchandise can be found in the city, from mage stones to leather to meat to crops to swords and armor, ect.


there are districts within the capital city: the first is where the priesthood and the King lives, the wealthiest part of the city, and then there is the second where high ranking soldiers and nobles (Governors and Counselors and Heroes) dwell, and the third being where wealthy businessmen dwell, the fourth district is where the lower class being: slaves, less wealthy merchants and peasants dwell.


it is the first city founded on Bi'Terra, named after the second king "Pyram".


very egyptian/aztec themed


it is upon a somewhat flat, desert (like that of a midwestern desert) where it is close to the ocean and near the entrance of the great Sitora river.

Natural Resources

Gold, Sandstone, lapis, onyx, emeralds, iron, copper and water.
Founding Date
15 1E
Alternative Name(s)
The First City, The City of Ancients
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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