The kingdom of Egydia (E-jid-ia)

The Banner of Egydia is a crescent carrying a pyramid with two khopesh swords crossing each other and above that is a crescent with a sun inside. The sun and crescent represents "Moon and Star" two chief deities of the Egydian religion who are the parents of the god-Pharaoh and the crescent that carries all represents the afterlife where they believe all of the worthy live in paradise on the moon.


The culture of this nation is Egyptian/Roman/Aztec themed, with many sandstone architecture, pyramids and blue and gold styles of clothing.


They have access to the entire river of the great river of Sitora. Gold is very abundant in this kingdom making them one of the richest nations on Bi'Terra.


They are the first nation amongst the races of men and they have been known to be the toughest to fight against due to their great abilities in creating defenses and strong architecture.

Demography and Population

The majority of the population are Dwarfans who make up 98% of the population, while the other 2% are misc. races of men, who are either slaves, nobles or visitors.


they occupy a majority of the great Sitoran desert and have claims to any waters where they have trade with other nations.

Technological Level

it's technology is very Egyptian/Roman empire era of technology.


The religion of the Egydians is very egyptian and aztec themed.

Foreign Relations

They tend to be very neutral concerning other governments of the world, but have a trade/alliance deal with the Paradine kingdom for it's wood, crops, cattle and other materials that do not exist in the harsh deserts of Sitora. they have declared hostile relations with the Qualzonian empire due to them threatening their trade routes and their supplies being shipped to and from the Paradine region and for attempts of assassination of the god-pharoah.

Trade & Transport

they have all of their traded goods arrive from ships to the city of Scorpios, and then they travel upon the stone highways that connect to every major town and city in Egydia.


the general population are not very educated, but they know how to read and write in their language and to count. the majority of the citizens tend to become slaves, while only nobles, priests, royalty and military officials have higher education.
Founding Date
10 1E (210)
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
aird aldhahab (the land of gold) in the tongue of Gnomans, drevneye korolevstvo (The ancient kingdom) in the tongue of the Weskonians, Suna no hitobito no tochi (the land of the sand people) in the tongue of the Orkans.
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Theocratic
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Their golden coin which is in the shape of a triangle called a clavum (Stripe) because these coins were made by taskmasters whipping slaves to mine the gold and smelt it and shape it into coins.
Major Exports
Their primary export is slaves, gold and beer. they also export papyrus, gems and rare desert crops of Sitora such as peppers and melons.
Major Imports
they mainly import wood from other countries as the trees that are commonly found in Sitora are too weak and not good for building or for making ships with.
Legislative Body
The god-pharoah writes the laws and commissions anything that is done within the kingdom.
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members
Related Species

Articles under The kingdom of Egydia


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