Colleg of Lightning Magic


The Arch Professor and his council are the top ranks of the organization and below them are the professors who teach a classroom of students at the colleges across Bi'Terra.


The Lightning Magi are taught to be curious, to study the world around them, to be skeptical of everything. Many great inventors and scientists were once attendees of Lightning Magic colleges.

Public Agenda

To help teach Lightning Magi to have better control over their powers and to bring a better future for the world, inventing and discovering new things in the scientific realm of things.


They have a college that is funded within the Qualzonian empire in the capital city, and a College in Sitora in the great deserts of Egydia north near a city called "The City of Buried Kings".


The Most famous Lightning Magi is Albert von Gheistein who invented the Gheistein coil (Tesla coil) to be used as way of transport for Lightning Magi across long distances.
Guild, Mages
Lightning Magi
Leader Title
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