
The Elfans who are the common race of northern Paradinia, who descend from the first Elf, Elzr. The Elfans have shown themselves to be the most proud, arrogant and racist of all the other races of men whether it is intentional or not...   +3 to all Ice based Magic, +3 Dex. and Int. and Cha., -3 willpower and fortitude.

Basic Information


almost like a human but slimmer and taller with pointy ears and lack of body hair(except on the head) except for the males who only have facial hair. their skin is also lighter with a more yellow to green hue to it.

Genetics and Reproduction

the gestation period is around two years and can have up to two children at a time

Growth Rate & Stages

they begin puberty around twenty five years old and are considered an adult when they are eighty years old. they reach elderly age when they get up to one hundred and seventy and most don't live past two hundred.

Ecology and Habitats

the Elfans prefer living in more humid and flora filled environments but can also adapt to other climates given with a long period of time.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are vegetarians and only kill animals for pelt, bones or whatever they can sell.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Males can grow facial hair from the chin area to the upper lip and not anywhere else, capable of only goatees and mustaches.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

In the upper regions of Paradinia

Average Intelligence

They are quite intelligent and consider themselves so due to their natural arrogance and many are wise due to their long age.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

they are stronger at hearing than humans and can hear around -25db(decibels).

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The names of Elfans are usually based off of nature and the surnames are based off of their proffession or an ancestor's proffesion.

Major Organizations

Qualzonia is the main kingdom all Elfans come from.

Major Language Groups and Dialects


Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Elfans like other races of men can mate with one another making a hybrid which half of the time are sterile and can not reproduce.


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