College of Earth Magic

Samson placed his hands barely above the piece of wood and turns his head towards his Mage's Book and flips through the pages until he found the spell to turns it into gold. he then begins to recite the spell's name, "transmutate!" and his hands began to radiate a glow from his palms and the piece of wood began to slowly change shape and even material becoming more like gold but then his hands started to change as well and then his hands became gold and he fell to the ground shocked, panicking and yelling in pain has his hands and slowly his arms become gold. then the Arch Professor hearing Samson ran into the room and quickly he reversed the spell and Samson's hand returned to normal. "What were you trying to do young man!" cried the Arch Professor. "I'm sorry sir, I was trying to make the branch into gold so that I can sell it to buy my family some land so that we won't have live poor". The Arch Professor after calming down returned to Samson in his room and began to tell him "Look boy, I understand your ambition but not like this, this goes against our code" and the arch professor opens the door and looks both ways to make sure nobody is listening and then returns to Samson and quietly tells him "However, there are certain things that are not written in stone..." and he begins to turn a rock into a gold coin, a perfect replica of an Imperial stamp....


The College of Earth Magic teaches their students to be like a rock, unmovable and strong, to be like iron sharpening iron. this makes students become very stubborn towards those trying to change their minds, brave, and to help one another becoming the best they can be.

Public Agenda

to help Earth magic users to be more experienced with controlling their powers.


They tend to be well funded by themselves and have land owned under the privilege of the Qualzonian empire and the Dragon Kingdom and Egydia.
Guild, Mages
Earth Magi
Related Species


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