
The Orkan's of Degora all have an ancestor to the first Orkan, Orkzr. These mighty warriors hail from the great continent of Degora, being the only race of man to tame and ride Dragons.   +3 to all Air based magic, +3 to Con. and Str. and fortitude, -3 Dex. and all non-Dragon animal based actions (Ex: -3 for taming horses, -3 for tracking pigs ect.).

Basic Information


They are the most masculine and strongest of the races of men, taller, faster and more athletic than all of the other races combined.

Genetics and Reproduction

females carry their children for over two years before giving birth from around 1-4 offspring.

Growth Rate & Stages

they do not become adults until they reach 25 years old and are not considered to be elders until they are 160 years old.

Ecology and Habitats

they tend to live in more tropical or humid places like islands, rainforests, jungles but have been known to live in mountain regions and tundras/ arctic regions.

Dietary Needs and Habits

they are omnivores, depending on the environment is what food they will most likely eat: of their is more fruit and vegetables then they'll be more vegetarian, if there is more animals then they'll be more carnivorous.

Additional Information

Social Structure

they naturally tend to have a male dominate society with patriarchy as the reigning class.

Facial characteristics

males can grow facial hair and longer tusks than females, but both genders can grow very long hair and can be confused with the other due to their masculine bodies sometimes.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

they do not see in the dark as the Gnomans or the Dwarfans nor have the ability to use magic as the Gnomans, Elfans, Dwarfans or Humans.
Scientific Name
The First Orkan, Orkzr
180 years
Average Height
Average Weight
250-280 lbs
Average Physique
they are very naturally athletic, strong.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
they can be all shades of green, dark browns and sometimes greyish purple.
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