

the great star must lead the Egydian priests to the new vessel of the king.


when the great star of Akharimi shines upon the god-pharaoh, the priests will anoint the child with oils and give him fine jewelry and clothes, and they will pierce his ears with silver and bring him to the palace where he will be treated as a diety.


the kingdom will see him as a god and bow before the ground he walks upon and obey his every word. he can basically do whatever he wants with his kingdom.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

there is no legal way to dethrone the god-pharaoh and any attempts to will result with the punishment of death.
Nobility, Honorific / Ceremonial
Form of Address
almighty, holy, divine king, Pharaoh of Egydia
Equates to
pharaoh of ancient egypt
Length of Term
Related Locations
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