Kingdom of Jaspa

The once thriving city of Jaspa which is now modern day "Tiger Town". It was conquered the Haspanian people in the 99th year of the 4th Era. not much is known about the Jaspanian people except for ancient gold coins of their king on the front and a dragon on the back of the coin, which is strange since there are no dragons in Samora and ancient scrolls from the nations of Rosentide and Nepotamia claimed that Jaspa was ruled by a queendom and men were second class citizens like Rosentide.


It was said that the Jaspanian people were peaceful and tried to make alliances with their neighbors for the majority of their existence until their last three queens who were warlords and sought after power.


It was conquered by the kingdom of Haspa at the battle for the palace of Jaspa.

45 3E - 99 4E

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Jaspa was also called Jasper which was the name of the founder of the city.
Successor Organization
Parent Organization
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