
The Krustaceans of the oceans of Bi'Terra all descent from the first Krustacean, Krzr. A proud and advanced race until their homeland of Atlantia had been destroyed by Mt.Dragon and their race almost near extinction with only less than a dozen members still alive...   +3 to all water based magic, +10 natural armor, +2 attack bonus, +8 Dex. and Con. skill bonus

Basic Information


They are like very large anthropomorphic lobsters, with more lobster features than man.

Biological Traits

long lifespans, great strength and toughness.

Genetics and Reproduction

they reproduce like lobsters but the entire process takes four times longer.

Growth Rate & Stages

they are not considered to be adults until they are around ninety years old and reach elder status when they are around hundred and forty years old.

Ecology and Habitats

they live within the waters across the world such as the oceans.

Dietary Needs and Habits

they are piscivores, eating only sealife.

Biological Cycle

they shed at least once each year to fix and grow their exoskeleton.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

males tend to grow longer antennae and bigger claws than their female counterparts.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

they can see beyond most color spectrums, with their antennae they use to smell and are able to sense magic with them.
Scientific Name
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Length
Average Physique
their very tough exoskeleton is said to even be resistant to blows from almost many kinds of weapons.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
they are usually dark to bright red color and sometimes black or white.
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