Knights of the Octagon Order

A vampire begins to run away into the woods in great fear and before he could he touch the tree in front of him an arrow goes through the vampire's head, out of his mouth and penetrates through the tree. Then a knight walks over to the dead Vampire's body and kneels down and checks to see if the vampire is killed and after confirming it, he gets back up and walks back to seven other knights. "This tried making a run for it and he was carrying this" and the knight gives the Orkan knight a scroll with a map of key settlements to attack. Then another knight who is a Krustacean comes over to the dead body and casts a spell for the spirit of the vampire to come to the realm of the living and after using silver powder to constrict it in place the knights then surrounded him and began to ask him questions; and the vampire answered their questions and then Gnoman knight loaded silver arrow in his crossbow and shot the vampire spirit in his core and ceased his existence...                         (The banner of this order is an eightsided star with octagons on the points and an octagon in the center and within an octagon. This symbol was given by divine intervention to use for their order)


there can only be no less or more than eight members one each race of man. Each member has no master over another but they all are brothers in arms.


They are a holy order of brotherhood, despising evil and unjust corrupt souls, slaying they who dare corrupt the world.

Public Agenda

They vow to protect all of Bi'Terra from monsters, demons, undead, corrupt minds from overthrowing the world or destroying it. They will not rest until every monster is extinct and when every demon is banished from the realm of the living.


Their main fortress is located south west of paradine secretly hidden from the outside world so that nobody can find and destroy them. They have a treasury where they keep all of the gold they earned from killing monsters on behalf of villagers and townsfolk or citizens. They have a great armory with all sorts of weapons for any situation needed; from silver tipped arrows, sun-blessed holy grenades for wiping out undead, scrolls with magic that can even slay a troll with one word and all kinds of other artifacts and whatever else these holy knights need to defeat the legions of hell.


After "Jager the Brave" had killed the eternal phoenix with "The Arrow of Eternal Death" he was too badly injured from the flames of the phoenix that he began to die but a priestess whose name was Sophia who used a mix of life and death magic to resurrect Jager but he became a Vampire but with unique characteristics, he allowed the world to believe he died and the rest of brothers in arms accepted his fate and allowed him to continue living. After this He and the other heroes returned to Samora and they began to build a fortress together with the funds they earned and they founded the Order of the Octagon Table (There is a literal octagon shaped table where the members sit at). Jager the Brave changed his name to Vladimir and added Von Blutjager when he spied on a clan of vampires in southern Sitora.   Throughout the ages Vladimir and Sir Lobsterlot had watched their brothers die whether it be from old age or in combat and they replaced them one after the other and even a cherub has joined their order.   Nowadays they work in more secrecy than before due to the Qualzonian Empire tried to wipe them out when the Octagon Order aided Paradine when they found out that a clan of Vampires was orchestrating many of the massacres done by the Empire.
Founding Date
90th year of the 9th era shortly after the eternal Phoenix was slain by "Jager the Brave".
Secret, Brotherhood
Alternative Names
Knights of the Octagon Table
Octagon Knight


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