Palpatania (Pal-pah-tahn-ia)

The Banner of Palpatania is the crescent with a sun inside and three stars around it on the side. The crescent represents their new religion of Cherubism aka Monoism of the Prophetism sect of the religion and the sun in the crescent is from the former religion of the nation. The red color represents the first king Palpat.


The Sultan, council and senate are the main three powers in the land and they hold the most authority in the nation. But there is an emergency army to take out potential dictators and other corrupt government officials.


somewhat middle eastern and slowly becoming more european/american.

Public Agenda

To become the wealthiest nation in the world and spread their religion by force.

Demography and Population

75% of the population are Gnomans and the other percentage are former slaves of many kinds of races who escaped seeking asylum in Palpatania.


they control the southern region of the mushroom forests and some of the arctic region south of sitora bordering with the kingdom of Weskonia.

Foreign Relations

they are somewhat neutral with Palpagania but will considering warfare with them due to their alliance with the Qualzonian empire and how they are treating their citizens.


the citizens of Palpatania are more educated than most nations are. because the citizens know their freedoms, rights and the laws of their nation than what other citizens from other countries don't have.
Founding Date
40 3E- 80 3E
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Palpatanian or Palpatani
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
The alnajmat albilatinia (Platinum star) is the official currency of the two Gnoman kingdoms, they do not use any form of currency however. they also have najmat burunzia (Bronze Star) which is 1/100 of a platinum star.
Major Exports
their greatest export is their mushroom moon jelly which is a natural medicine healing many kinds of wounds and can make the patient relaxed and calm.
Major Imports
they tend to import a lot of furs, leathers and food due to the lack of it in the southern region they inhabit.
Legislative Body
the sultan of the palpatanians can decree any a few laws which then will be voted by the people until there are only two laws left then those two laws would then be sent to the senate and then they would vote in one law that is agreed upon. (equivalent as the president of the U.S)
Judicial Body
The senate is responsible for passing laws (equivalent as the congress of the U.S)
Executive Body
the council is responsible for charging sentences (equivalent as the supreme court of the U.S)
Related Ranks & Titles
Neighboring Nations
Related Species


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