
The Race of the Pigans are the descendants of Pizr and were once dwellers of Bi'Terra but they are now trapped in the underworld or also known as hades or hell or in their tongue Nei'thr.   +3 with all fire base magic, +3 with all death base magic and +3 with all strength and dexterity skills except for in colder conditions (EX: Tundras, arctics, affected by ice magic...).

Basic Information


They are like a humanoid pig with mighty tusks and their only hair is on their head which are naturally mohawk in style and their chest which also is naturally mohawk in style.

Growth Rate & Stages

They are babies until they become 5 years old then they become children, they become young adults when they are 20 and become full grown adults when they are in their 30's, and finally reach elder status when they are 90 years old.

Ecology and Habitats

they originally lived in a tropical environment but have adapted to live in the hot hellscape of the underworld after hundreds of years.

Dietary Needs and Habits

they originally were vegetarians but with only mushrooms and carnivorous beasts that dwell there, they have become omnivores becoming immune to the poisonous nature of mushrooms and eating mainly reptiles and in rare cases, are cannibals...

Biological Cycle

normally during the winter is when their hair becomes thicker and darker but due to the underworld having no seasons, the Pigans normally do not do this, except for a rare few.

Additional Information

Social Structure

they live a meritocratic society where the hardest working and most skilled are in charge But also the oldest living amongst them are given extreme respect for being able to live for so long.

Facial characteristics

Males tend to have chin hair like a goatee and grow very thick fu manchu or handlebar style mustaches.

Average Intelligence

they are quite intelligent, and creative after having to survive in the underworld for many generations.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their noses are perfect for sniffing tracks, poisons and other smells that not even a canine would smell.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

they are given a youth name which is based on a physical feature or skill they are known for, and when they have completed their right of passage into adulthood is when they are given a new name based on what and how they had killed their challenge.

Major Organizations

there are 3 known nations: The Sons of Snekae exae threworae, The Sons of Domenae Spaerae stebbarae and The Sons of Scirpoonae Mecae slemmarae

Beauty Ideals

Males who have the most trophy kills from hunts are considered very desirable due to their ability to protect. While Females who are of great "Size" in the right places are desirable for their ability to mother offspring.

Gender Ideals

Males and females are expected to equally contribute in the house and in work. but males do become hunters  and warriors more often than females and females do become farmers and laborers more often than males do.

Relationship Ideals

due to their xenophobic way of life, they tend to only befriend their own kind unless they become comfortable and their trust has to be earned slowly over time.

Average Technological Level

They are somewhat advanced, using crossbows and mostly gold for their tools and weapons,and using stone and gold for their architecture but due to the lack of variety of materials in the underworld they are stuck in some ways of what they can and can't achieve.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

They speak Pigan and a butchered version of human which is basically Piglatin.

Common Dress Code

they wear garments that can at least cover their reproductive organs, they tend to wear so little due to the heat in the underworld.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

They tend to celebrate whenever they are able to kill mighty and giant beasts found in the underworld by taking the carcass and cooking the flesh in lava.

Common Taboos

due to Gold being the only other metal in the underworld that can be found, they are very respective towards it and don't dare to waste it or damage it.


The Pigans were once a proud and glorious race who were abundant in all of their needs, to a point where work was more of a chore, until one of their own had opened a portal leading to the underworld dragging their entire race into this hellish landscape. they were once dwellers of the fatherland and of the islands around Degora.

Historical Figures

Strongae Exae Hettirae

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

they have their legends of an age of another world their kind lived in until a mighty sorcerer had betrayed his own and sent them to the underworld in exchange for power and greed and lust. they don't remember the names of the other races of men but they have vague memories of what they look like and some legends of famous figures of the other races. they have no opinion on the other races of men in a bad way or in a good way, they are neutral. however due to them knowing how to speak human (even though a butchered version of it) they have more natural attraction towards humans and prefer hearing legends of mighty human warriors for they are more relatable than the other races of men.
They descent from Pizr
they can live up to 120 years old, and in some rare cases 150.
Average Height
they are 6'9 to 7'3 with 6'1 being on shorter side.
Average Weight
they weight around 240-300lbs
Average Physique
they are mostly muscular while some are more lean and faster than their muscular counterparts.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
they tend to have dark brown hair, while their skin was originally more on the whiter shade of brown and have now become more red in tint.
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