College of FIre Magic

Jason casted a fireball and shot it towards his rival Mason and before it could hit him, their Professor rolled over in front of mason and he quickly swiped it and redirected it towards the pond nearby, extinguishing the ball of fire. "What is the meaning of this?" said the Professor. Jason and Mason quickly bowed before their professor and began to speak over one another, but the professor raised his hand for their silence and said "How many times must I tell you boys that fire magic is to be used for practicality and not for fun or for some way to settle an argument. Do you know what kind of danger you put yourselves into? what do you think would have happened if Mason were to have been hit by that fireball? or what if the fireball were to have missed and hit a tree, causing a forest fire? you boys will need to learn that fire magic is not some toy nor is it to be used when your emotions have overtaken you". Then the Professor had ordered Jason and Mason to return to their bedrooms and await their punishment.


The Arch professor of fire magic is the head of the organization and below him are the superintendents who each are in charge of each location/monastery within the organization, then there are the professors who are to teach their own group of students of future fire magi within a monastery.


Fire magi are taught to be strong and persistent and to be calm and to never lose focus or to not become overly emotional. this has caused many fire magi to be not very emotional and very focused on the things that they do, and almost never lose their temper.

Public Agenda

to help Magic wielders to harness their powers, growing stronger, so they can be used for good and not evil, self defense and not murder.


they have colleges in Degora in the mountain and dragon kingdom, Samora in the Qualzonian empire and Sitora in Egydia and Weskonia, being funded by the taxes from their corresponding nations. they have their own militia of fire mages that defend their colleges and their own ships that are for travel and cargo.


The college of Fire magic has been very popular, due to fire magic's many uses, and was one of the first kinds of magic first learned by the races of men. throughout the ages fire magi have been involved with many battles that have greatly turned the tides of conflicts and also have been involved with great catastrophes, and because of this, the college of fire magic has been very strict and consistent with ensuring that this kind of magic will not be used for evil.
Guild, Mages
Fire Magi
Leader Title
Related Species

Cooperative task force; to aid the bureau by handing over high value targets when caught.

Their task force co-op has been able to find and eliminate over a dozen crime lords and terrorist organizations. The college of fire magic has been able to aid the inquisitors with firepower against ice magi who are wanted for terrorism by the bureau and also the bureau have been able to give the college of fire magic resources for their improving their knowledge in fire magic.


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