The Eflan Ranger of Elfanland

Octagon Knight Vladimir Von Blutjäger (a.k.a. Jäger the Brave)


HP:75   AC:23(10+Dex. bonus+Armor bonus+Natural Armor)     Str:20(+5+5)   Dex:17(+3+5)   Con:15(+2)   Int:20(+5)   Wis:13(+1)   Cha:17(+3+5)
  Fortitude:+8   Reflex:+5+5   Will:+3
Alignment:Lawful Good

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in the city of Elfanland Jager grew up not very rich but not struggling either, he enjoyed the legends of mighty warriors of ages past and when he was old enough he bought his first bow and trained everyday and was considered the greatest bowman of his day, winning so many competitions across Elfanland. He became known as Jager the Brave when a giant pack of wolves around eighty or so began to attack a small town south east of the city of Elfanland and there Jager fought them all off when every other soldier or adventurer ran away.   When news came about the eruption of Mt.Drago and the Eternal Phoenix's damage across the world Jager couldn't stand aside and watch, he gathered his things and said goodbye to his parents and began his journey across Samora to find others who would come with him. He met a young paladin named Joseph who wanted to help fight the Phoenix on behalf of his nation of Paramaxia. They journeyed to Egydia because of rumors of a bow powerful enough to slay the Eternal Phoenix and there they met a mighty Dwarfan Gladiator named Ferrum Pugnator de Pyram, a Gnoman rogue named Aqdam Samita, an Orkan Samurai named Doragonsureiya, and a Goblan druid named Mighty Feathers. And they began to help defeat many monsters the phoenix would leave behind in its path of destruction. after some time they journeyed to Degora after finding the location of the great bow to slay the phoenix. and there they met a great Atlantian magi commander named Sir Lobsterlot. and together they found The Bow of Eternal Death and began their final battle with the phoenix.   After they slayed the Eternal Phoenix, Jager the Brave began to die as his burns from being on the phoenix were too much for the magic armor Lobsterlot gave him. and before he died a priestess who was his lover casted a spell with her life and death magic and he was reborn as a vampire and in doing so the priestess died from the power of the magic she used on Jager. The band of adventurers who saved the world made a promise to protect the world from something like this and vowed to keep Jager's resurrection a secret and said he died slaying the phoenix. And Jager gave himself a new name "Vladimir Von Blutjager" and over the years him and Sir Lobsterlot would watch their friends die in battle or become old and die in peace and over the years they would replace the members of their new order and watch their friends die in battle or old age...
Lawful Good
Current Location
Date of Birth
7th day of the12th month of the 70th year of the 9th era
Year of Birth
1000 525 Years old
Circumstances of Death
He stabbed the eternal phoenix with an eternal death arrow but in doing so he was burned to a crisp
He was born in the City of Elfanland
Place of Death
He died in Degora
Light Blue
Short black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
Aligned Organization


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