The Great Assassin of Palpatania

Octagon Knight Aariz , Min Palpatania (a.k.a. Viper)


HP:71   AC:19(10+Dex. bonus+Armor(+9))     Str:17 (+3)   Dex:20 (+5)   Con:20 (+5)   Int:20 (+5)   Wis:18 (+4)   Cha:17 (+3)     Fort:+7   Ref:+11   Will:+6  
Alignment:Lawful Good

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He is a bit more lean but still very buff, and highly flexible from his training within the order of the assassins.

Identifying Characteristics

around his eyes are tattoos that signify his membership within the order of assassins.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Aariz was born in the slums of Palpagania in a city that is called The City of Sand, which was near the outskirts of the borderline between Palpagania and Egydia and it was a crime infested city. Aariz in his early years was a pickpocket and became in trouble with the law many times and got away. One day he pickpocketed a soldier as a dare for his friends at the time and in doing so he was finally caught and was take to the center of town where they sliced off his ring finger and was made an example amongst the people.   Aariz had become bitter to authority even more because of this and over the years in his early teens he would cause riots and bar fights as often as he could. Until one day the governor of the city had decided to finally come out from his palace and walk amongst the people and for there was a festival in his honor and many came and paid tribute to him. Aariz being full of anger grabbed his dagger and a bow and he went to the top of a house within the market district and waited for when the governor would come by and he would kill him. After waiting for hours the governor finally arrived in the market district once after the poor were driven away by the guards, and Aariz readied his bow and fired but another arrow came down and killed the governor first but it was Aariz who was spotted first and they captured him and would have killed him if it were not for the assassin had jumped down, landing on the soldiers killing them with his hidden wrist blades and he rescued Aariz and led him somewhere safe.   Aariz and the Assassin journeyed to a cave deep within Palpatania near the southern mountains and there Aariz met with leader of the order of Assassins and was initiated into it and for many years he had become a great assassin and was given the name "Viper": for he struck like one and his poison blades were like its venom killing whatever they pierced into. Aariz was given a contract to find and kill an Elfan called Vladmir von Blutjager who lived in Samora within the nation of Paradine. And so Aariz took a ship to paradine and after a couple months of sailing he arrived in Paradine and went around village by village, town by town, city by city asking and looking for this Elfan but nobody knew him or ever saw him except for a beggar who was able to lead him to Vladmir if he had the right amount of coin, which Aariz reluctantly gave. When it became night the beggar led Aariz to a alleyway where he attempted to kill Aariz and bit him in the hand, but Aariz quickly sliced the beggars throat wide open and left him there to bleed but the beggar began to laugh and got back up and he revealed his true vampiric nature to Aariz and began to climb on the walls of the alley way and tried many times to pounce and strike at Aariz but Aariz was too quick and nimble and dodged every attack and began to slice and dice at the beggar but no weapon Aariz had on him could kill this monster and Aariz decided to try and escape and ran out and climbed onto the rooftops and began to run away but the beggar was very fast and almost caught up to Aariz but then an arrow shot right through the monster's head killing it. Aariz began to look around and finally the Elfan he was looking for jumped onto the building Aariz was on and asked if Aariz was alright. Aariz looked and saw that this Vladmir was also like one of the monsters and tried to run away but passed out and fell off of the building and landed on a cart full of junk.   When Aariz woke up he saw Vladmir by a campfire and he tried to run away but couldn't since his leg was chained to the ground and he was disarmed from his weapons. Vladmir then asked him what he was doing in Samora since he was very far away from home. But Aariz would not answer. "I had healed you from your bite wound, if I did not I would have to put you down since you would have also turned into a vampire. I know who you are viper, I know why you came here, I do not wish to kill you". Aariz slowly then sat up and asked him why he did not kill him if he knew who he was? And Vladmir got up and gave Aariz some soup and said "You are not a killer, you are misguided. You have a great talent very few have and I wish for you to come with me". And after thinking about it, Aariz agreed and they journeyed back to a fortress and there Aariz met with other members that belonged to an ancient order more older than the order of Assassins and he saw many books with details of how to kill monsters he thought did not even exist until now. Aariz then agreed to join the Octagon Order and he was initiated into it and after many months of training he was given his first assignment alongside with Vladmir to track down and exterminate an entire nest of Vampires in Palpatania within a cave in the southern mountains....
Current Location
Date of Birth
12th day of the 7th month of the 80th year of the 13th Era
Year of Birth
1480 45 Years old
He was born in the slums of Palpagania
Short black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light grey with a tint of purple
Aligned Organization


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