The Kingdom of Nepotemia

The ancient city of Nepotamia who once reigned the great southern region of Samora, whose power was greater than Egydia and her armies that could not be defeated.   Behold fallen she has fallen the great city of Nepotamia has fallen. The mad King of wolves has come and conquered the great city that could not be conquered.   This city was conquered in the 11th Era of the 77th year by King "Wolf-Blood".


It was said that this nation was filthy, covered with idolatry to pagan gods, and worshipping their kings. they drank so much wine they almost nearly made grapes extinct and the people were snobs whose arrogance even made the Elfans appear as a humble people.


the nation was full of golden idols, silver coins that reached higher than the ancient trees and their army was strong of over two hundred thousand (in those days it was gigantic).


It was conquered during King "Wolf Blood's" campaign to unite the human race at the battle of "Winter's-March" (A piece of land that was 8-16ft deep of snow during the winter years).

48 3E - 77 11E

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
The Egydians and the Gnomans called this nation "Napylon"; this was before the tenth sultan of Palpatania would rename the capital city to Napylon in respect and memorial for the fallen city..
Successor Organization
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