Kingdom of Paradine (Par-ah-dine)

The banner of Paradine is a wolf within an octagon and two paws on opposite corners and swords crossed upwards and downwards on opposite corners. the octagon represents the religion of cherubism aka monoism, the wolf represents King Wolf-Blood and the paws represent his early days when he was raised by wolves and the swords represent his campaign when conquering southern Samora.


The King is the head of state but he does have many counselors to seek wisdom and ask for guidance.


before the Qualzonian treaty, the Paradine kingdom had a vast collection of ships and they traveled the great seas, they had a greatly skilled army that could even fight mages, they had many trade routes with many kingdoms across the world. but now they are isolated by their treaty with the Qualzonian Empire and have barely any access to the outside world. their army has been cut down to a few hundred soldiers, their ships no longer in use and their great wealth has been stolen to pay reparations for the empire.


in the 45th year of the 11th era, a baby was born in the mountains near wolf soul village, parents died from the freezing winters and he was found by a pack of wolves, but by a miracle the baby was taken in as one of the wolf pack, and many years have passed since then and the young man learned to speak with his fellow man and later would become a known member in the village. one day he learned of a group of death mages had terrorized a couple towns near his village and knew if he didn't stop them, they could cause trouble to him, and so he journeyed to the towns and slayed the mages. and then after a few more great feats, his name began to spread like wildfire and he was admired, and many people from the villages and towns that he had saved/helped had elected him to become the king who is worthy to continue the legacy of the Paramax kingdom under the new name of Paradine...

Demography and Population

it is a human majority population, during the exploration era of the kingdom, many races of men traveled to and from paradine as tourists and some became citizens of Paradine.


they used to control the entire southern half of Samora but now the Qualzonian empire has taken the north east regions of it and Paradine has been partially occupied by the empire.


the military was once very powerful but has now been cut off 80% of the army with only a few hundred soldiers, majority of them within the capital city.

Technological Level

medieval era.

Foreign Relations

they have an alliance with the Egydians and have been receiving foreign aid from the Weskonians in their fight to regain independence from the Qualzonian empire.

Agriculture & Industry

they are still an agricultural powerhouse, making enough food that can feed millions of people (Even though the population of Paradine has not reach close to a million).

Trade & Transport

they use to have trade routes into Degora and Sitora but not anymore.


before the Qualzonian treaty the people were quite educated but now schools have become indoctrination centers for the empire.


there is a great stone path highway that connected to every major settlement and a dirt pathway to every minor settlement using guide posts to follow the path.
Founding Date
72 11E
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Predecessor Organization
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Semi-autonomous area
Economic System
there are three official coins within Paradine: the copper bone, the silver tooth and the golden eye. the copper bone is shaped like a thin and long rounded rectangle shape, the silver tooth is shaped like a tooth/triangular shaped, and the golden eye is in the shape of a circle as an eye. the copper coin is worth 1/10 of a silver coin and a silver coin is worth 1/25 of a gold coin.
Major Exports
they used to export wood, crops, fine jewelry and garments.
Legislative Body
The king under the guidance of his advisors/counselors writes new laws, decrees, mandates and removes laws, decrees and mandates.
Executive Body
two sects are in charge of enforcing the laws of the land: the judges who give out sentences as punishment to crimes and the law enforcers who make arrests to anyone who breaks crimes.
Related Ranks & Titles
Neighboring Nations
Related Species

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