The Ronin


Every member is sovereign, independant and has no one to give them orders unless they are in bands or larger groups within the organization.


Many of the Ronin still hold on to their honorable ways they had when they were samurai or soldiers, but some no longer hold on to their former honor which gives the Ronin a bad name at times. The Ronin are also very supportive to other Ronin and are always willing to work with and assist other Ronin they come across.


every Ronin is independant and will fund their own gear, food, clothes, housing and ect.


The dates are unknown but the story is well preserved;   Long ago in the north western nation called the stone kingdom there was a great samurai called "Goruden'ai" (golden eye) for he had one eye that was like gold, he was the most loyal samurai to a daimyo called "Mizu no seirei" (Water Spirit) who was also a mighty water magi, he was the chief of over sixty samurai who were also loyal to their daimyo. She and Goruden'ai were in war on behalf of the king of Dragonlake, but Mizu no seirei was slain in battle and Goruden'ai was without a master and an outcast once the revolutionaries had overthrew the throne. For many years Goruden'ai and the rest of comrades would try to avenge the death of their master; under the order of Goruden'ai they waited till the time was right. Goruden'ai became a drunkard and was mocked in the street of the capital city of the P.R.D.L for almost a decade until the general who had killed their master saw Goruden'ai no longer as a threat and too much of a drunkard, a low life scum who couldn't do anything to save his own life, and when Goruden'ai knew this is when he finally called his comrades and they prepared their invasion to the general's palace and on the that night they sent out letters to their neighbors of what they intended to do and none of the general's neighbors stopped Goruden'ai because they hated the general and saw him as a braggart, corrupt politician.   Goruden'ai with his comrades snuck into the palace and sneakily eliminated all of the general's guards and when they entered into his room they didn't see him and then many of the general's samurais jumped out of hiding and began to attack, Goruden'ai and his men fought back and eliminated them easily and saw the general in a disguised as a concubine running from the palace and Goruden'ai threw a spear and it killed the general and he laid in the street dead...   The Ronin became infamous for this and wer sought out be hired as great mercenaries on behalf of kings, daimyos and other nobles, even common folk desired their services to protect their villages, deal with bandits strong arming them or even with being a guard for a wedding that might get too crazy. Ronin welcome all former samurai, soldiers and the like to still have a purpose in society and to still hold onto honor they once had...
Founding Date
The date when this group was founded is unknown but most of its history is still kept well recorded
Military, Mercenary Group
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