Vampire Clan: The Secret Order of Alkabar

The Flag of this clan is an Elfan vampire's skull with the imperial sun and a wreath which signifies its allegiance to the Qualzonian Empire first before anyone else.


They are very secretive of their operations and only appear when the other great clans meet. They will even kill their own clan members if any of them decided to become informative of their clans operations, their nests and other things the clan want kept secret.

Public Agenda



This clan was founded by a revolutionary named "Alkabar" who hated the monarchies that the elfans were reigned by and wanted to establish a new system of government. He attempted a couple of coups but his last coup had brought him near the brink of death and while he was dying in prison he performed a ritual to summon a vampire and he made a deal with the vampire and he became a vampire in return of his full obedient servitude. when the tenth era began Alkabar with some other vampires overthrew their patriarch and killed him and Alkabar established himself as the new patriarch and then began his revolution against the monarchs by assassinating King Vlad von Krötenstadt and then caused riots in the other kingdoms and he commissioned spies to join the Nektaks and Vigtaks and Zikaks clans to be spies for the elfan kingdoms hoping to cause lack of faith in the people but in the 7th year of the 10th era the clans were caught in their triple spying and were exiled and Alkabar's plans were ruined as he too was caught later in the 40th year of the 10th era and was imprisoned by the Ice King of the Ice Kingdom and was frozened as punishment.   Alkabar was able to escape his frozen prison when King Maximus had conquered the ice kingdom in fire causing the ice prison Alkabar was kept in to melt and Alkabar was then taken to meet with Maximus. Alkabar after catching up to date of current events had convinced Maximus to let him join his cause and create a network of spies which were then later used to overthrow a majority of Paradine territories and helped to prepare Qualzonian soldiers from Paradinian attacks.   currently Alkabar and other Vampire clans' patriarchs are not at terms as Alkabar has revealed his Vampiric status to the world which is considered highly sacrilegious to the Vampire code. And Alkabar with his clan have begun to intercept the other clans and is preparing a counter measure in case his clan was targeted with extermination by the clans.
Founding Date
70th year of the 9th era
Geopolitical, Clan
Related Species


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