Death of the Dragon Pheonix

Life, Death


The Dragon Pheonix is slain by a group of great heroes whose name are to never be forgotten:for they had saved the world from extinction. The names of these heroes are:   The Elfan Ranger "Jager the brave" of Samora, The Orkan Samurai "Doragonsureiya Tetsu no Ken" of Degora, The Human Paladin "Joseph of Wolfskull village" of Samora, The Gnoman rogue "'aqdam samita" of Sitora, The Krustacean sorcerer "Sir Lobsterlot" of Atlantia, The Goblan Druid "Mighty feathers" of the Vunda tribe, And The Dwarfan Fighter "Ferrum Pugnator de Pyram" of Sitora.   These brave adventurers have statues and many great cities renamed after them and have been immortalized through song and books to keep them in remembrance until the end of time....

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