Southern Anuire Shipping and Imports

The guild's activities, though various, are usually only a facade for its real business is focused on illegal or semi-legal stuff like gaming, brothels, and smuggling. Diemed, Medoere and Roesone are the realms where usually the guild operates. SASI's ships are also common in the Strait of Aerele.


In the the last past decades the Guild has grown, from an unorganized collection of bands of thieves and thugs, to a much more centralized organization, expecially thanks to the efforts of Orthien Tane.

Public Agenda

Many regents would like to see SASI crushed and its members in jail but very often they're impotent. The guild has many magistrates, officers and even nobles on his payroll so it manages to modify or delete many evidences avoiding trials and charges.

Articles under Southern Anuire Shipping and Imports


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