Public Knowledge - Transportation Hub
Coatbridge Freight Terminal is a train station located in a small suburb outside Glasgow. It is a pivotal logistic hub for the United Kingdom, further enhanced by its close proximity to Regional Distribution Centres, key Scottish exporters and principal road haulage hubs. Dozens of large containers arrive daily; and large concrete warehouses act as holding docks nearby.
Insider Knowledge - Clandestine point of entry
The Sabbat uses this freight terminal to import vampires. It is no small feat to enter the realm of Glasgow safe from the sun and other terrors, especially when one wishes to remain undetected. In enclosed containers, through bribes and manipulations, the monsters of Caine arrive safely during the daytime and arrive in the warehouses at night. Warehouse 8 is "closed for renovations" and has been such for months and years. Warehouse 8 acts as a safehaven for the Sabbat, a place where they are fed and ritae celebrated. The
Oathkeppers Pack acts as the stewards of this important hub, and as such are the first pack many Sabbat meet upon their arrival. By way of secret tunnels, it is possible to clandetinely move to
The Necropolis.