Charobaan of the Cycle Inexorable

"To live is to worship me."

Written by: jester2b
Artwork by: Rafael Sewa


Charobaan, the Tree of Propagation, its branches clawing into the sky above with crimson leaves, its roots stretching deep into the earth and reaching far into the horizon of his realm. At the base of its roots are the sacrifices used to fertilize and fuel the growth of the Tree of Propagation. Hanging from the branches of Charobaan are grotesque pods incubating new demons awaiting their time to serve their master. New sprouts of Charobaan are born from sacrifices and worshippers, the roots sprouting from their bodies.  


The domain of Charobaan is known as Tirium, an ancient world where the Tree of Propagation stretches across the vast horizon.  


The demons within Tirium venerate Charobaan at its roots. Many have given their lives to the tree to continue its growth across Tirium and beyond, a sacred act among them. The Azzmadians see the very act of living, bringing new life into the world, and eventually dying as worship of Charobaan.  


The Triumvirate Reborn

In an age long past, the entity that would become Charobaan was known as a Cyclical Triumvirate, a three-faced Aeunta whose physical form represented the cycle of birth, life, and death. This ancient Aeunta brought life to many worlds and enforced the inexorable cycle upon these burgeoning worlds.    An Aeunta it may have been, but time still wore on upon the Cyclical Triumvirate. It remembered its birth; it had lived a seemingly endless life, and death would come to it eventually. As the face of death took hold, the Triumvirate would be forced to consider its end. Fear gripped the other face, but Death comforted them, telling them that from its death would come new life, new births.    The Cyclical Triumvirate would rest in a quiet field within Tirium, letting the end take hold of it. From its body, the first sprout of Charobaan would reach the sky, the Triumvirate reborn. Faithful demons soon offered themselves to their master, letting the great tree subsume them.  

Brith of the Cyclical Scions

After the Cyclical Triumverate's rebirth as Charobaan, its old aspects were reborn with it in time. Each would take on and embody its three aspects.   The first was Ahsakar, the Cursed Fertility. Born within the center of Charobaan's trunk, her growth cocoon was tightly embraced by her creator's vines. When she took her first steps, she declared herself Charobaan's greatest disciple. She represents the Triumvirate's aspect of birth, being new fertility and life to a myriad of worlds.   The aspect of living would take the form of Charobaan's second Scion, Adèl Grenko. Charobaan conceived of its second Scion with an Azzmadian named Adèla, who had defied her destiny to become a fertilizing sprout of the Tree of Propagation. Upon her defiance, a new fate was chosen for the Azzmadian; she would be imprisoned within Ahsakar's lair and bear the next Scion of Charobaan. Upon his violent birth, Adèl Grenko was embraced by Charobaan and his elder sister. Adèla became a sacred icon of birth and became the first Eternal Womb within Ahsakar's hive.   The final aspect of the Triumvirate, the inescapable end of death, would become the final Scion of Charobaan, Avassra, the Faceless Winnower. She was born in a shadowed and dying grove far from the trunk of her creator. At the moment of her birth, she was frail, barely able to stand. Charobaan saw the frail young Scion and attempted to take her in, but the vines that reached out to her died upon touching her. As such, Charobaan and Avassra had to live at a distance from each other.   


Ahsakar, the Cursed Fertility

Ahsakar resides beneath the roots of her creator, acting as queen of the wretched hive that bore into Charobaan's realm. She brings new life and fertility to worlds as her creator once did, though this fertility is without end and brings only suffering wherever she walks. Her hives deep beneath Tirium are filled with the victims and worshipers used as Eternal Wombs and unwilling incubators of Ahsakar's spawn.  

Adèl Grenko, the Defiler

Faithless, vile, and disgraceful. The second Scion of Charobaan gives tribute to his creator through the Succubi and Incubi, who are brought to a myriad of realms, extracting Anika and souls from mortals in whorehouses and brothels. His demons under him are nothing more than property and assets, their lives meaning nothing to him. They exist to be used and nothing more, often victims of his abuse and depravity.  

Avassra, the Faceless Winnower

The Faceless Winnower serves her role as a culler of the suffering and dying. Avassra commands her Faceless Reapers from her keep to bring necessary death to those who need it and purge the undead, who spit in the face of the inexorable cycle.
Titles: The Tree of Propagation, God of Growth   Higher Being Classification: Aeunta   Associated Demons
Incubus/Succubus: Azzmadians bound by pact to Adèl Grenko and used as merchandise in his prostitution rings. Their touch drains the Anika from living things while also having an aphrodisiac effect when on them.   Undergrowth Spawn: Born beneath Charobaan's roots in Ahsakar's wretched spawning grounds, these horrid creatures are mindless and violent. They serve to only kill and capture new victims for Ahsakar's hive.   Faceless Reapers: Shadowy demons who serve Avassra as enforcers of necessary death and the purging of undead from existence.

Character Portrait image: Charobaan, the Cyclical Triumvirate Reborn by Rafael Sewa


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