The Grand Inevitability

"There will be no grand battles at the end of time. It will be slow and quiet. One last breath before we finally expire." - Busara Bi'Rukira, Unganna painter

Written by: jester2b
Cover art by: Rafael Sewa

Everything Ends

Within Unganna society, each aspect of their culture and beliefs are built on one truth: nothing lasts forever. All things shall end when its time has come; all that was born shall die and every tower built shall crumble. That is Ruin's Truth, the greatest of all truths. The Expanse and all of existence within is no exception to this truth.   The Mengha, a group dedicated to the study of the magical element Entropy, speak of the end of existence. A final breakdown of all things as reality dies and all that exists within ceases to be. It wouldn't be a grand cataclysm that ruptures the world in a wave of fire or a divine war to herald in the apocalypse, but rather a failing of the very laws that bind existence together falling apart. Life would be the first to go in this scenario, as the fragile inhabitants, bound to the laws of existence, fade away in an inhospitable universe. The barriers between realms would break and stars would burn out as reality tears itself apart.    In the end, there will be nothing and no one to witness it.    What, if anything, shall follow is a question with no answer. Will the universe take its place, beginning the cycle anew, or shall the Grand Inevitability be the final ending? Not even the oldest dragon or the grandest higher beings like an Ossian could answer that question.    Perhaps that isn't a question for us mortals to ponder. We shall never see this ending, so why shall it be feared? Our lives are now, and it'd be best for us to experience that now to its fullest while we're here. That is Ruin's Truth, the acceptance of the inevitable end and the embracing of the present.


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