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Krow Evenson

Krow Evenson (a.k.a. Krow)

A winged humanoid who has 2 sets of wings which resembles a Gray Catbird wings. He has a prosthetic leg due to an incident from when he was younger, you'll never see him without a torch or light source in one of his hands. His personality can be sum up to quiet and friendly as long as you don't get on his bad side

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

From a distance he looks to be around average height though up closer you'll realize that he is just under the average height.

Body Features

His large gray gradient wings which are abit scarred from his travels, they are his pride and joy as he makes sure he takes really good care of them. The inner part of his hands always seem to have slight burn marks on them, besides these most of his scars are cover by his clothes. It is said that he actually has a dark gray with black ends short scarred tail though this has never been proven as no one has seen it

Facial Features

He has bright light green eyes and long orange hair with the left side being dyed black, his hair commonly put up in a messy braid. He has small wings, which are the same gray gradient of his large wings, where his ears should be at. like his normal wings, he takes great care of them.

Identifying Characteristics

His most identify feature is his prosthetic leg, besides that it would probably be his messy orange and black braid hair

Physical quirks

While it's not extremely noticeable but he does walk with a small limp due to one of his legs being metallic. both hands though mostly his left hand always seeming to have either small burn marks or ash on it due to him always holding a torch.

Special abilities

like all elytrian species, he has wings which let him be able to fly. Unlike elytrians, windborne like himself are able to boost themself in the air (like rockets with an elytra). Having more hollow/lighter bones he doesn't take any fall damage though in order to sleep peacefully he must be higher up. related to his hollow bones, he does less damage due to them even with melee weapons. Due to having so many feathers, he takes more damage from fire.

Apparel & Accessories

He wears a cream turtleneck which is overlay with a long sleeve blue-gray sweater. A green shawl which ends were outline with a yellow color draped off his shoulders, which only a gold diamond shape brooch keeping it attached to his sweater. his brown pants going down to his knees, accompanying it is a brown belt with a small bag and pouches attached to it. On his left foot he wears a dark red-brown color boot, on his right leg, right under his pants is where his prosthetic leg attaches to him.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

His personality can be sum up with a quiet yet sweet guy. Despite being a former traveler he is rather clumsily and gets startled pretty easily. He would rather be quietly observing or listening rather than being in the center of attention though, don't mistake his quietness for shyness as while he may get nervous easily, he's a friendly and sweet guy. However do not take his kindness for granted, he may be kind to others he does not trust easily, it's best not to break his trust. He can seem abit gruff due to having a resting bitch face. He has a strong set of personal morals and he won’t budge on them, which can cause him to snap or clash with others. He can get quite the temper if you push your luck with him as he refuses to be a pushover, and while he may never admit it, revenge means everything to him and he will do everything in his power to get revenge on people who have wrong or hurt him. He doesn't mention where he is born due to the dislike for Virkhagen and he'll get quite nervous when Virkhagen is mention. He does get abit irritated when others call him an Elytrian instead of a Windborne, he'll immediately remind the person that his race is like an advance Elytrian or a sub species.     Krow is a Gray Catbird winged lad born in a snowy village in Virkhagen, more higher up in the mountains. Due to some foolish actions when he was in his younger years, he lost one of his legs to frost bite causing him to get a prosthetic leg. When the chaos and war started in Virkhagen, he decided to leave his flock and home behind not wanting to be dragged into a war he didn't want to fight nor believed in it. He traveled for a while, getting a traveling partner, even becoming abit of a mercenary, and living off the land not sure what place he wanted to call home. After a few years of traveling he decided Ephyrae to be called his new home. Krow isn't much of a religion person like his folks back home, and while he's abit confused on the religion in Ephyrae he may open to it later down the line though who knows. He left the traveling life behind him and has recently bought himself a new home in Ephyrae to start a new life, along with rescuing a cat and dog who he has named Lily and Winter.




He drop out at a early age to pursue the life of traveling and adventuring, most of the things he knows are from observation and through trial and error.


He use to be a traveling mercenary when he traveled, as of now though he works as a freelance fisher for Oculous' fish store

Failures & Embarrassments

He finds it quite embarrassing that he lost his leg to frost bite as he had grown up in the harsh cold environment. While he may not admit it, deep down he also feels bad for leaving his flock when the war started.

Mental Trauma

He's deathly afraid of the dark though has never mention why or how((It's a secret for now)), if left in the dark he will start pulling at his feathers and will result in a mental breakdown/serve panic attack. It's hard for him to trust people and while he will still act friendly with them he will keep his walls up, if asked why he will usually only shrug in response. Walking on snow scares him now ever since he lost his leg, he tries his best to hide it though.   The poor lad got serve anxiety and has show signs of depression just don't tell him this cause he will flat out deny it all.

Morality & Philosophy

  • Once someone crosses him, they will not be forgiven. There is no forgive and forget for ones who betray his trust
  • An eye for an eye/Needless torture on those who wrong him
  • Don't judge a book by it's cover/don't judge someone so quickly basically
  • Don't blindly follow someone, don't let others control you
  • He won't kill for any reason other than survival
  • Appreciate Life
  • He will not betray others unless his life is in jeopardy
  • Honor those who honor him/he'll give his life for someone he truly trust
  • He refuses to take sides in a conflict that doesn't affect his survival
  • Personality Characteristics


    As far as anyone knows his motivates are to live life to the fullest, though it is unknown if he has other motivates

    Likes & Dislikes

    Likes: torches or really any light source, feeling the wind through his wings, clean wings, being on top of trees, perched on top things or people, his pets.   Dislikes: darkness, the night, snow, mining(he mines anyways but is miserable doing it), wet wings, others touching his wings without his permission, being repeatedly called an Elytrian, getting lost

    Personality Quirks

    He does do some bird noises and behavior occasionally, whether that's making chirping noises or making his bed look more like a nest. Perching is one of his favorite and comforting thing to do, he is almost constantly perching. Like parrots, krow will dance or move to any music that is around him.   Knowing his punches doesn't affect people due to his hollow bones, he tends to punch people to get their attention or for entertainment.


    the cleanest part of him is his wings, he makes sure they are always as clean as they can be. He gets upset whenever they are too dirty


    Contacts & Relations

    Oculous: Best friend/flockmate and Neighbor. An Enderian he met when he had gotten lost in the forest on his way back to Ephyrae. one of the few people he considers a flockmate, he cares deeply about him even if it does repeatly make him get his wings wet for it's fish store.

    Family Ties

    He hasn't had contact with his old flock since fleeing when the war started, his relationship with his flock is mostly unknown though he speaks positive about his older sister.   His current flock is made up of himself, his four pets and friends.

    Hobbies & Pets

    He owns four pets, a white wolf/dog with a red collar name Winter, a gray yellow eyed cat with a blue collar name Lily, a calico cat with a red collar name Moth, and a blue parrot name Bleu.   Does flying around count as a hobby? well it does now.

    A wing humanoid lad with a prosthetic leg, he's a quiet and sweet lad as long as you don't get on his bad side.

    View Character Profile
    True Neutral
    Current Residence
    (trans) male
    light green
    orange and black
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    light tanned
    5'10 ft
    127 Ib

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    Journal Entry 10

    A couple of days ago I started mining out the area that Leaf needed to be to mine out, I've managed to do 2 layers so far and I'm working on the next 2. Honestly I forgot how boring and painful mining is, I'm not exactly sure if I'll agree to mine for them again. At some point I decided to take a break and go see how Goose was doing, upon arriving to Goose's house I saw that Leaf was there as well. They gave me a cat that look very similar to me, and I was slightly tempted on calling him Crow but it would be to confusing for myself and the rest of my flock so I'm back to the drawing board for names. Maybe I'll name him something nature related since Leaf gave him to me or Moth. I'm still deciding. Anyways I hanged out with them for awhile, finding out that the shulk, Sally and Leaf are dating now. I'm happy for Leaf finally able to have some good in their life, though I'll admit it, it makes me think of him. Or Leon. God I haven't thought about Leon in awhile, I miss that spider. I wonder how he is, if he's even alive, will he even forgive me for leaving?   Now is not the time to be thinking these things Krow.   Anyways at some point I met someone new, I think his name was Rekker? Something like that.. he and Leaf left to go talk about something which left Goose and I by ourselves. Goose had help preen my wings before we, uh attempted to listen in on their conversation. Let's just say it didn't go so well. Leaf says Goose is a bad influence but I see Goose as more of a troublemaking little sister, it was fun messing around with her.   After that day Leaf had hosted a party, I spent most my time perching to be honest, watching the chaos unfold below me. A few people got drunk as well which has made me realize that I'm not the biggest fan of the smell of wine. Sally, Goose and I went back to Ephyrae at some point, hang out there for a little while before Goose vanished. I'm not exactly sure where and when she had left but she did, leaving just Sally and I. I'll admit I was a bit nervous being around Sally as I really didn't know them too well but they seem nice from the few interaction we had. I'm not exactly sure how we got onto this topic, but netherite got mention at some point and I confessed to them that I've never been to the Nether before, I always heard that it had lots of fire and me being very flammable. Well I don't want to take that risk. I guess she pity me or something cause she gave me some netherite armor and weapons which was very kind of her, before she dragged me along on a several days adventure. Which was very fun, definitely help me get to know her more. I will say it did make me miss my traveling days a bit. Perhaps I shall see if Sally will let me go on another one of her random adventures, I quite enjoy it.   Until then I better get back to mining, it ain't gonna mine itself. Unfortunately.

    Journal Entry 9

    It's been a couple of days since I last saw Leaf until they pop back up at my house today, it looked like they had another stressful day so of course I happily kept them company. Anything to try and help them relax. Oculous came back as well to try and work on the shop some more, asking for our help once again. We set back out to their camp, only this time Leaf and Oculous were both now fishing and I was the only one getting dirty, Leaf let me borrow.. I think it was called a trident? A big fork honestly is what it looked like. I've heard small mentions of a trident but I've never actually seen one let alone use one, it was quite embarrassing having to quickly figure out how it works with the two watching me. Leaf at some point mention how dirty my wings were because of how long I was in the water for, I didn't even want to imagine how they look as I could already feel all the mud and dirt on them. They had actually offered to preen my wings, which surprise me but I accepted it nonetheless, I considered them as my flockmate after all, I'm ok with them touching my wings. Though as we discussed it more it seem that the two take dust baths and apparently they help Leaf's wings?? I told them that a dust bath would be absolutely miserable for me, with the dirt and rocks getting stuck in-between my feathers and it being so itchy. Even writing it now sends shivers down my wings, at some point I'll have to teach those two how to preen my wings. It will feel nice having someone else preen them for a change, I really haven't been able to fully and properly preen since I can't reach certain places. Though I'll admit, I'm a bit nervous as well, I haven't had anyone else touch my wings in a year or two now.   Anyways I'm getting off track. After fishing for god knows how long we headed back, Oculous mention needing some leather which Leaf mention that Aremore had a cow farm. After dropping the stuff off we headed to Aremore and ran into Goose, who looked worse especially when I last saw them but I kept that remark to myself. Oculous didn't really seem too fond of Goose? I'm not exactly sure, I think it was just being impatient since he wanted to head home. Leaf ask Goose how to preen wings, and turns out Goose preens her wings differently, of course I should of expected that since we are two different bird species and her feathers are made to get wet unlike mine. But biting? Hard pass. If Leaf tries to bite my feathers I won't trust them to preen them ever again! Goose asked to take a look at my feathers and while I was a bit nervous about it, I let her take a look at them, mention a bird bath is probably what I need. Which now that I think about it, I probably do need a bird bath before properly preening them as they do have a bunch of fish guts, seaweed, and mud on them. After that conversation, Goose mention something which quickly cause Leaf to stop her, saying that they shouldn't make me worry more even though I was standing right next to them. Instead the two wonder off from us to talk though it wasn't far enough as we were still able to hear them, not super well but still make out most of the words. Oculous was getting rather impatient now but I didn't pay to much attention to him, I was too focus on trying to overhear the conversation the two were having which made me get more and more worried by the second. The two probably would of kept talking if Oculous hadn't interrupt them, finally being fed up I guess. The four of us headed back to Ephyrae, back to Oculous' house. At some point, I made up my mind and decided to tell Leaf I needed to talk to them. We headed out to the lower section of the city to talk as soon as we were out of earshot I mention wanting to know what the two were talking about, wanting more details as there was no use in hiding it anymore. Still, they kept some things from me but kind of went into details about the things I overheard. They don't want me risking my life for them, saying too many people are doing that already. But I want to, they're part of my flock and flock sticks together through thick and thin. I'll be as noisy as I can be if it means helping or protecting Leaf. Their little bribe gifts they bring me won't stop me. I got through to them at some point, well not really through but enough that they let me help them with something. They show me to where they were currently living, and gave me a small tour around the amazing looking place. They also told me not to tell Oculous of this place as it's near Virkhagen, I think? Though With the mention of Virkhagen I decided to trust them with one of my probably most important secrets. I told them I'm actually from Virkhagen and they seem surprised about it mentioning how they haven't seen many like me in Virkhagen, which surprise me in return. I mean sure there wasn't a lot of us there but it wasn't rare, I guess thinks have changed. I will say that it was a relief to finally get that off my chest with someone and them accepting me no less. They explain to me what they needed to be mined and finished the rest of the tour. After that we said our goodbyes and goodnights, them heading to bed and I heading back to Ephyrae through the waystone. I'm glad I was finally able to help them in some way, sure it isn't exactly what I had in mind, but it's something! I'm just glad I can be useful to them in some way. I plan on getting started with the mining as soon as possible. Though I confess this won't stop me from being noisy still

    Journal Entry 8

    I didn't get any sleep last night. I couldn't. Not with this stupid anxious illness. My mind was just constantly racing.   I made two more perching areas, this time in my farm area, one even having a pillow but it still didn't bring me much comfort. I still couldn't sleep. I ended up just sitting there for hours, just watching the crops grow. Sitting there until I morning or at least till the sun came back up. It was a odd feeling, wanting to move and do something and yet not wanting to move at all.   At some point I finally got up, I needed to distract myself before realizing I could get two birds with two stones. I grabbed one of the sacks I had in my chest and put some stuff into it that I thought was worth something, even adding some torches and an IOU. I headed to Goose's house and it seem I just caught her as it looks like she was about to leave. I was relieved that she seem ok though only to find out that she was threatened after the party and shit seem to go downhill for her, the shulk, and Leaf. I told her that I was here for her in case she needs anything. I hope the stuff I gave her is useful. After our small conversation I headed back home and she left. I think I was only home for a few minutes before I heard knocking at my door. Leaf had arrived, they were worried about me when honestly I'm not exactly sure why they should be. I wasn't the one in danger nor have I been. They seem ok for the most part, I mean I didn't see any injuries on them or anything like that. They just seem to be on edge which makes perfectly sense. It seems like they were trying to keep the info from me, probably not to have me worried more but I told them that Goose had already mention stuff to me. I offer to help but they seem against it, not wanting me to put my life at risk and have a target on me. Upon mentioning that I didn't have much on the line they brought up Oculous. Oculous, my neighbor. My.. My friend. I wonder what my old flock would think of me, befriending an Enderian. What Leaf said was true, at least I hope so. Oculous seem to care about me, I mean he even said I was it's friend. He probably would be upset if something happened to me but.. If I'm being honest, I've slowly started counting the days until it finds out the truth.. I seem to have slipped up alittle with Leaf as I did mention the Virkhagen thing made me nervous but we had quickly change the subject before anything else could be said about it. Leaf wants me to stay out of things, but I want to protect my friends. It's been awhile since I had friends, since I could trust anyone really. I told Leaf that if they need me for anything to tell me, I even gave them some torches. Which probably doesn't mean anything to a lot of people, but it means a lot to me, who is deathly afraid of the dark. After that Leaf headed off.   I'm gonna figure out some way to help them, I'm sure of it. I can't just sit here idle knowing their lives are at risk. I'll figure something out, figure out how to be useful in some way.

    Journal Entry 7

    I won't be writing much. This is really just an update on the dinner, party? Plans? The dinner. Oculous was going to come with us but then change it's mind, something about having plans? I'm not sure. So I headed there with the moth and Neither, who I haven't seen in a long time. I later found out it was due to some building plans. It seems we were the last to arrive, they had guards at this dinner, course since I was unprepared and didn't realize we couldn't bring weapons, I had to put my weapons into a barrel. Which reminds me, I wasn't able to collect them, I only managed to grab one of my swords before..   Anyways, there was a small ceremony before we started chatting and eating, I met two more people, I believe their names were Alice and Fuyuko. They were nice? I'm not sure, I didn't really interact with them much, I mostly just stay to myself if I'm being honest. That anxious feeling crept back more the longer I was there, it seem at one point I subconsciously or instinctively, I'm not sure which one, just perched myself onto a tent looking thing and was just.. Alone with my thoughts until Leaf came over asking if I was ok as it seems like everyone moved back inside where the food was at, I told them I was fine just anxious. I'm not sure how much time passed but I suddenly felt a shiver down my spine as if someone was watching, I turn around only to see another winged person. They just gave me a bad feeling and I started moving away somewhere higher as the guards finally noticed them. I guess this guy really was bad news cause once the others noticed, they seem panicked especially Leaf who lead me back to the small area. We stayed there for alittle bit, before one of the guards got injury pretty bad, the other guard escorted us out. Leaf had told Neither to help me back to the waystone so I could return home safely, before I left I asked Neither if he knew what was happening but he didn't know either. I told him to stay safe and with that I teleported back home.   Now I've just been here-   Pacing around. Pacing around my house, the roofs, the city. Just pacing and waiting.   Waiting to make sure the others are ok.   Im so stupid. I should of stayed. Stay to make sure the others were ok. Stay to try to help or do something. I feel terrible. These anxious thoughts and feelings won't go away. These feelings are so overwhelming right now. I feel sick. I don't know how to stop them. Nothing seems to be working. Nothing is making them go away. I want to go back home. Home to Virkhagen. Home to my old flock. Home to where i can curl up next to my sister and forget all my worries. Just anything to stop this feeling! I hope the others are ok..

    Journal Entry 6

    The Enderian, my neighbor finally return to Ephyrae yesterday. The first thing he tells me is that he wants to expand his fishing business, I'm not even sure if it has made any money at it's stall but sure, I didn't mind helping it again. We were heading back to their camp when we ran into the moth, they seems to be in distress and panicking, the Enderian certainly didn't help the situation causing the two to argue a bit. I offer to the moth to come with us, to help relax, at first they refused but they came along with us anyways. I will note that they did offer for me to go to a dinner party before we left which was interesting. Anyways, we headed to Oculous' camp, splitting up to get different things. I already noted to myself that I'll be spending the next night drying my wings as Oculous told me to collect fish for it once again. I should start charging him for making me repeatedly get my wings wet, the river had a lot more drowneds in it than the last time as well, hearing them kept freaking me out as they kept appearing so suddenly. We group back up at sunrise, I ended up with a stack and some more of salmon and some ink sacs and after that we headed back. The Enderian started doing some work on the store, neither of us noticed that the moth wasn't with us anymore until we came out of the shop noticing them talking to a shulk. The two noticed us quickly, Leaf introduced the shulk who's name was Sally and was from Aremore, though Oculous seem on the fence with them a bit. The two offer to give us a tour of Aremore which we both accepted though upon arriving to Aremore, Virkhagen got brought up which immediately silence Oculous and I. Oculous ended up teleporting back to Ephyrae when I guess it felt the conversation was going on for too long, leaving the two confused, I had to mention that he didn't like Virkhagen and stuff. I know the moth mention that there are nice people in Virkhagen, and in the back of my mind I really wanted to say 'I'm a example of that, I hope' but I quickly had pushed the thought away, instead just telling them not to mention it which they both agreed. I went back to get Oculous who was cooking, mentioning that they can come back for the tour but they mumbled something about only me returning back. I encourage them to come take the tour promising Virkhagen wouldn't be mentioned again, which maybe helped? I'm not exactly sure but it agreed to come do the tour. Aremore looks nice though it seems very crowded there, we ended the tour with seeing Sally's place, where the dinner plans are happening later today.

    Journal Entry 5

    Yesterday evening was certainly different.   I was doing some cooking yesterday when I suddenly heard some voices coming and outside my door, upon opening it there was that moth along with two other people; another small person and a humanoid goose. I'll admit I definitely wasn't expecting anyone, my house was certainly a mess, with my pillows and blankets everywhere but nonetheless I let them in. I never caught the other small person's name but the goose humanoid introduced themselves as well Goose. We stayed in my house chatting for a bit, with the moth attempting to burn themselves multiple times might I add. The other small person complimented my smaller set of wings (after thinking they were just feathers) and I couldn't help but fluff up both set of wings and show them off proudly, after all I have been making sure they have been extra clean recently. The moth seems to have wanted to catch up alittle since we last saw each other, at that temple where I watch them get slaughter, and told me not to bring up the temple incident along with forgetting said incident. I couldn't help but laugh telling them that I don't think I can forget that, which reminds me, I haven't laugh like that in awhile. It felt good to relax and just laugh and smile, it made me forget all the anxious feelings I have. The humanoid goose mention having to head home and not being able to stay in Ephyrae long due to some exile which honestly surprised me, after they left we stay, chatting a bit more before the moth mentioned a pet they had called Jimmy and that he was in the festival grounds. We decided to head over there and I confess to them that I hadn't been to the festival, I only went there for the opening ceremony which seem to surprise the two, we took the waystone to the Ephyrae part of the festival. Now being able to take a good look at the festival, it looked very nice until we saw Jimmy. I don’t like Jimmy, he look like a giant pufferfish with a tail and he made weird noises and kept looking at me weirdly, I just didn't like it. It made my instincts and bird brain go off, wanting to be as far from that thing as possible, I'm not even sure how Leaf got a hold of that creature in the first place. We had stay around there for quite a while, long enough that it started getting dark and all those anxious feelings were coming back. I had mumbled about not liking the dark and it seems the moth had heard me, offering to go into the tower to let the night pass, not without mentioning that we shouldn't really be going into there but that it would be fine. Nonetheless, we got in through the top part of the tower and stayed there for a good while though after a while the moth mention going to visit the humanoid goose as they live close by. So we headed back out into the scary night and flew over to the humanoid goose's house, which look cozy. We stayed there for the rest of the night and early morning just sitting and chatting, Goose even gave me a pack lunch which I thought was really nice, I should return the favor when I can. I'll admit, I felt more at ease around the humanoid goose though it's most likely due to both of us being birds. At some point we all decided to call it a night, the moth had told me that they were going to stay in the tower so I return to Ephyrae alone, and as soon as I did that anxious feeling hit me again. I should definitely see if anyone has medicine or is a doctor, this sickness may be worse than I thought.

    Journal Entry 4

    The festival happen yesterday, I originally didn't plan on attending the festival. Having that many people from different cities just didn't sit me right, but I had decided to go to the opening ceremony anyways. And I was right, it was a mistake. Apparently the now or use to be queen of Virkhagen was killed, and a apparently magic tree vanished or got destroyed in Aremore. While I would of love to help my homeland, I couldn't bring myself to go there plus with all the snow. I couldn't bring myself to touch it again. I had decided to head back home, and just throw myself into cooking to relieve some of this stress and anxious feelings I had. The priestess had called a meeting in the tavern once everyone had return, she wants us to help the others so we aren't suspicious as our city hasn't had anything bad happen to it, at least not yet. But not only that but she wants to make Ephyrae stronger in case something does happen. To be honest I don't plan on helping. The priestess did mention this was their problems not ours. It isn't my problem, not anymore. Helping them won't benefit me in any ways, at least not that I know of, so for now I'll just keep a more closer eye on Ephyrae.   Though this anxious feeling won't go away, usually it does or well at least goes to the back of my mind for the most part, maybe something is wrong with me but I feel fine. I don't feel sick, maybe I'm just overreacting. flying around and being with my flock seems to make this anxious feeling go away for at least a little while. I know I said I'll keep a closer eye on Ephyrae but I may just fly around aimlessly and try to keep myself busy, i don't want this anxious feeling overtaking my other senses. I'm sure everything will be fine..

    Journal Entry 3

    Not much has been happening these past couple of days. A 2 or so days ago I decided to check my mail for once which actually had something in it. It honestly surprised me cause well i didn't think i get any mail. There was a letter and some dead looking flowers, upon reading it I realize it was from that moth, they sign the letter with Leaf. I at least know the moth's name now. The letter mention the dead looking flowers being sovereigns from the temple which, I have mix feels about but I can't exactly say no now. It also seems they are friends with Neither as they mention living in his, attic? Moving aside from that, the end of the letter mention when I watch them get slaughter, "forget you saw that" is what they wrote and it made me chuckle. I don't think I can actually forget something like that. Besides this, I think I had saw an attempt at doing a prank, that being a bunch of small chickens around Ephyrae and while I would of usually leave them alone, one of them got into my house and most were around my house. I got annoyed with the sound of chickens and I decided to take care of them myself.   I had another itch to adventure again so I decided to fly in a random direction, I'm not sure why I thought it was a good idea but I decided to fly over a ocean at some point which got me very very lost. Remind me to never go over a ocean again. At some point I found a flock of parrots and they seem so happy that they saw another winged friend and they started chirping at me and my bird brain instincts went off and I started chirping back at them.. long story short, one of them decided to join my flock, though before we left I made a note that one of the parrots looked similar to me and.. idk, it made me happy. They reminded me of my old flock. Trying to find my way back home and getting this guy home was a pain, I didn't realize that he wasn't able to keep up with my flying so we had to do it the old fashion way. Walking. It took a couple of days before we actually made it home, never in my life was I so happy to be back home. The little guy decided he wanted to watch over my crops, which I was fine with as I honestly wasn't sure how Lily would react to him. All I gotta do now is think of a name for him. I hope the Enderian doesn't mind all the noises my flock makes.

    Journal Entry 2

    About 5 or 6 days ago, things took a turn. I was out trying to get rid of the itch in my wings, to satisfy the stupid craving that has been driving me mad. I decided to go in a new direction, one I hadn't travel before and as luck would have it, I got lost. My bird brain got lost trying to get back home, I don't know how I managed to do it but I did. Anyways on the way that I thought was towards Ephyrae I happen to see smoke close by, while normally I wouldn't ask for help, I had been lost for god know how long and I just wanted to get home. Upon getting closer to the smoke, I saw what look like a small campsite with a fishing area and an Enderian. An Enderian that was fishing, it was quite the odd sight I'll admit. From what I remember they don't like water so seeing one fishing, well was quite odd let's just say. I flew over to it asking for help and he said he would show me the way back which I was thankful for. The walk back was quite awkward, I'm not much of a talker and it seem the Enderian wasn't either, until it open it's mouth calling me an Elytrian. I'll admit I lost my temper a bit, I mean he can clearly see I had diamond armor on, Elytrians can't wear diamond! Plus hearing the word made my blood boil, anytime I hear that word it just reminds me of HIM. I swear if I ever see that man again, I'll give him the most slowest and painful death anyone can ever experience! Just writing about it makes my blood boil, and my heart hurt. I... No, get it together Krow, stay in the present. Where was I? Oh. I must of gotten lost in thought after the Enderian said the word and I think I mumbled something about being advanced, I'm not exactly sure. And thinking about it now I realize I never said my actual race. Whatever, I'll just mention it the next time it's brought up. When we got back to Ephyrae, I noticed that we were heading in the same direction only to realize that this Enderian was actually my neighbor. Since when??? I don't remember anyone moving in, then again, he probably move in when I was out, which was a lot. Knowing we were neighbors meant we were probably gonna be interacting a lot and it seem the Enderian realize this as well as it asked for my name. Oculous was the Enderian's name, and in a way it fits him. We stayed in his house, which might I add has some perfect perching areas, for alittle while and were chatting a bit while he cooked, until Virkhagen was mentioned. The way he talked about it send a shiver down my spine, I never felt more shameful and scared in my life even though I wasn't even at the war. The silence after the topic was deafening as well until the Enderian mentioned how he was going back to it's campsite. I'm not exactly sure why I decided to tag along but I did, it was ok. There was some more awkward silence, and of course my bird brain clumsy ass had embarrassed myself in front of the Enderian. It had ask me to go get some milk and the one time I didn't look to make sure I wasn't under a tree to take flight, I of course, was under a tree and hit my head on a branch trying to fly. I didn't want to embarrass myself more so I decided I rather have wet wings than to stay there. Of course when I come back the Enderian complains to me about not being able to touch water, he even asked me, the one with soaking wet wings, if I ever wanted to touch water. God no, I wish I didn't have to touch water. Trying to dry 2 set of wings is so annoying and time consuming. He's a weird Enderian that's for sure even if he's the only one I properly met. Though I notice it giving me a look when he finish complaining and I already knew what he was gonna ask. It wanted me to go into the water and help it get some salmon, and the only reason I agree was because my wings were already soaked and to be honest, I was getting bored and needed to do something.   We return back to Ephyrae not too long after that, and perfect timing too as when we had gotten back to his house a group of some other residents were looking for an Enderian and Windborne to help with a rumor involving the amethyst that was growing around the city. We both agreed to help though unfortunate for the Enderian it had started raining, it decided to make a run for the temple we were heading to and I'll admit I may have accidentally got in Oculous' way, blame it on my clumsiness. Before entering the temple we had to solve a riddle, and I never felt more bird brain in my life than I did trying to solve that riddle. At least I wasn't the only one as we were stuck there for awhile. Once we finally figure out the riddle we were met with different trials, I had to fly through a small area which had lava coming down into it, it took a bit of time due to repeatedly getting stuck on a certain area but I got through it. It seems the others face through some struggle with theirs as well, especially when I could hear Oculous yelling through the walls which, I got to admit was pretty funny. The Enderian seems to get frustrated quite quickly. Once we were all through and set our crystals down on a pedestal was when all hell broke lose. Turns out a lot and I mean A LOT of golems and skeletons were guarding the amethyst heart, and really everything was happening too fast for me to really comprehend what had happen but I remember at some point I managed to get onto one of the hanging lights to at least get a break from the chaos below only to be join by what looks like a moth. I remember they offer me some armor and was asking for a bow which I unfortunately didn't have, we both stayed up there until the moth decided to head down. Honestly a big mistake on their part as I watch them get slaughter by the mobs below as soon as they landed. Let's just say I stayed where I was until everything was all over after watching that happen, it wasn't my proudest moment. Once everything was taken care of and the loot was split we decided to go back to the Enderian's place to rest with another resident joining us, I think his name was Neither? I don't know his race though, if he mention it then I didn't hear it as honestly I was too tired from the chaos to be paying attention. So much had happen that day, and I feel that meeting this Enderian has set something off. In a good way I mean, I have a feeling that the city life isn't gonna be as boring as I thought.

    Journal Entry 1

    I forgot I had told myself I would be keeping a journal. It's been a few weeks since I officially retired from traveling and move to this city, Ephyrae, it's best if I catch my journal up to speed. To be honest for the most part life has been very boring, it was starting to make me regret leaving the traveling life but I need this break, my flock needs this break. Winter and Lily seem so happy in the little apartment too.   Actually let me start over, a few weeks ago I move into a small apartment in Ephyrae, my wolf and cat, Winter and Lily seem happy that we finally have a place to call home. It didn't have too much space but enough space to call home, while I was setting everything up and trying to figure out what will go where, I discovered another layer to my apartment which I decided to put my farm in. I'm mostly satisfied with how my place looks now, though it could still use a bit more cushions and/or blankets. For the most part I've kept to myself and my flock, my wings have been itching to travel again so I have been constantly leaving my apartment in search for.. well anything really. I just need to satisfy the traveling craving, I was traveling so far from Ephyrae to come back mostly empty handed or with a bunch of iron and coal, my luck with mining was never the best though I don't like going deep into caves anyways so that probably factors in as well. The one time I had decided to go deep into a cave I found I immediately regretted it, I found this weird stuff called sculk, it gave me a bad feeling. Of course my idiotic bird brain decided to ignore all my instincts on getting the hell out of there and continue searching, luckily I didn't find anything and at some point I couldn't ignore my instinct and anxiety any longer and decided to get the hell out of there which was a absolute pain might I add. Besides these things nothing had been happening, I've see other residents around the city but I've just always kept my distance. Watching them from afar. I didn't really mind it at the time, honestly I was too busy trying to satisfy my traveling craves to really meet anyone and it seem they didn't live on my block anyways so there wasn't any point. And then everything changed.


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