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Krow Evenson

A wing humanoid lad with a prosthetic leg, he's a quiet and sweet lad as long as you don't get on his bad side.

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Fri 10th Mar 2023 04:00

Journal Entry 10

by Krow Evenson

A couple of days ago I started mining out the area that Leaf needed to be to mine out, I've managed to do 2 layers so far and I'm working on the next 2. Honestly I forgot how boring and painful mining is, I'm not exactly sure if I'll agree to mine for them again. At some point I decided to take a break and go see how Goose was doing, upon arriving to Goose's house I saw that Leaf was there as well. They gave me a cat that look very similar to me, and I was slightly tempted on calling him Crow but it would be to confusing for myself and the rest of my flock so I'm back to the drawing board for names. Maybe I'll name him something nature related since Leaf gave him to me or Moth. I'm still deciding. Anyways I hanged out with them for awhile, finding out that the shulk, Sally and Leaf are dating now. I'm happy for Leaf finally able to have some good in their life, though I'll admit it, it makes me think of him.
Or Leon. God I haven't thought about Leon in awhile, I miss that spider. I wonder how he is, if he's even alive, will he even forgive me for leaving?
Now is not the time to be thinking these things Krow.
Anyways at some point I met someone new, I think his name was Rekker? Something like that.. he and Leaf left to go talk about something which left Goose and I by ourselves. Goose had help preen my wings before we, uh attempted to listen in on their conversation. Let's just say it didn't go so well. Leaf says Goose is a bad influence but I see Goose as more of a troublemaking little sister, it was fun messing around with her.
After that day Leaf had hosted a party, I spent most my time perching to be honest, watching the chaos unfold below me. A few people got drunk as well which has made me realize that I'm not the biggest fan of the smell of wine. Sally, Goose and I went back to Ephyrae at some point, hang out there for a little while before Goose vanished. I'm not exactly sure where and when she had left but she did, leaving just Sally and I. I'll admit I was a bit nervous being around Sally as I really didn't know them too well but they seem nice from the few interaction we had. I'm not exactly sure how we got onto this topic, but netherite got mention at some point and I confessed to them that I've never been to the Nether before, I always heard that it had lots of fire and me being very flammable. Well I don't want to take that risk. I guess she pity me or something cause she gave me some netherite armor and weapons which was very kind of her, before she dragged me along on a several days adventure. Which was very fun, definitely help me get to know her more. I will say it did make me miss my traveling days a bit.
Perhaps I shall see if Sally will let me go on another one of her random adventures, I quite enjoy it.
Until then I better get back to mining, it ain't gonna mine itself.

Krow's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Journal Entry 1
    16 Feb 2023 08:33:30
  2. Journal Entry 2
    16 Feb 2023 08:53:18
  3. Journal Entry 3
    23 Feb 2023 11:25:41
  4. Journal Entry 4
    27 Feb 2023 12:15:47
  5. Journal Entry 5
    02 Mar 2023 12:13:11
  6. Journal Entry 6
    04 Mar 2023 03:36:47
  7. Journal Entry 7
    05 Mar 2023 09:09:15
  8. Journal Entry 8
    05 Mar 2023 09:09:40
  9. Journal Entry 9
    09 Mar 2023 07:46:54
  10. Journal Entry 10
    10 Mar 2023 04:00:10

The major events and journals in Krow's history, from the beginning to today.

I think these sleepless nights are starting to affect me, I mean it isn't too bad. Yea.. I'm sure I'll be fine. I'll be finish with this mining soon anyways.

01:57 am - 12.03.2023

I may have forgotten that I'm not a fan of mining and yet here I am, mining.

04:30 am - 08.03.2023

Journal Entry 3

Not much has been happening these past couple of days. A 2 or so days ago I decided to check my mail for once which actually had something in it. It honestly surprised me cause well i didn't think i get any mail. There was a letter and some dead looking f...

05:01 pm - 21.02.2023

Journal Entry 2

About 5 or 6 days ago, things took a turn. I was out trying to get rid of the itch in my wings, to satisfy the stupid craving that has been driving me mad. I decided to go in a new direction, one I hadn't travel before and as luck would have it, I got los...

08:53 am - 16.02.2023

Journal Entry 1

I forgot I had told myself I would be keeping a journal. It's been a few weeks since I officially retired from traveling and move to this city, Ephyrae, it's best if I catch my journal up to speed. To be honest for the most part life has been very boring...

08:33 am - 16.02.2023

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Krow.

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