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Lucious Vulkan Tempest

Dr. Lucious Vulkan Tempest (a.k.a. Mad Scientist)

Lucious Vulkan Tempest, called home to the Nether. Quickly he took onto the likes of tinkering and inventing, whether or not his kindred took to it he will never say. Though many speak of the Nether as a hellish place that few can thrive in, in it lies a place of technical marvel. Far within the reaches of the Nether, Lucious took it upon himself to become a scholar, and be one he did.   Life in the Nether is never easy, even when you originate there. Lucious got in trouble plenty of times with piglins, other blazes, and even was known to harass ghast. He never felt like his home is where he belonged, dreaming of one day having the ability to leave it and start on his own. His parents disapproved of this decision, telling him that blazes aren't able to survive outside the nether. Lucious is still proving them wrong.   Lucious is proud of his multiple degrees that he holds, all of them at the PhD level. However, deep down he wonders if this knowledge is even valuable to hold. Now in Aremore, he is glad he's gotten his education, many of those he is close to don't know how to read and write.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He is quite taller then most blazeborns that he grew up near, however he doesn't have the muscles to show for it. He's quite lean, more akin to an athletic build.

Body Features

  • Two gold cuffs appears on his right ear, they were a gift from a friend
  • Many scars and burn marks appear all over his skin. Permanent rain drop patterns are in particular etched into his arms and neck.
  • Lucious has one tattoo, and it is that of a strange symbol. A dragon that is taking flight, holding a sword in the jaw is located on his left shoulder blade.

Identifying Characteristics

  • His strange accent
  • The gold crested goggles that usually sit on his head

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Lucious was assigned female at birth. His parents quickly realized that he didn't agree with the sex they were given for him. Soon after, around the human equivalent age of ten, he began to socially transition and later on medically transition. He doesn't ever mention the fact that he is what he has heard called "trans" but, what does it matter when he rarely cares about the whole thing with gender.


Lucious doesn't discriminate, if you're nice and don't mind how warm he naturally is, you are able to date him.


  • Magma Engineering
  • Dragonology
  • Studies of the Nether
  • Employment

    Formerly was apart of an engineer corp in the Nether, though he left them shortly before traveling into the overworld.

    Mental Trauma

    • Loss of Sterling; He feels responsible for his death
    • Skull's departure - Lucious is afraid to get close to someone again

    Morality & Philosophy

    His morals lie within the range of "I will do everything it takes to help those I care for." Even if it means that he will hurt or kill others in the way. He holds his own moral compass and doesn't necessarily follows any other sort of rules.

    Personality Characteristics


    Lucious is a very clean well kept man, never a day passes that he doesn't make sure his hair and body is kept clean. Being a man of science, he knows how dirty the job can be so he does his best to maintain how he looks.


    Contacts & Relations

    Lucious doesn't visit the other kingdoms and mostly stays in Aremore. His relationship to those in Aremore are as follows:  
    • Rekker- First person he met when stumbling into Aremore. He loves walking into the chef's home and taking the food he has prepared. And of course the conversations they have had about finding ways to better the town.
    • Ranger- At first, he was sure Ranger didn't like him on the basis that well he is made of fire. But, after time, it seemed the little fox warmed up to him. He finds it endearing how they stumble over words and are often soft spoken, though he will never admit it but, he appreciates how Ranger always is worried for his well being and how he is doing.
    • Ramsworth - The tall man fascinates Lucious to no end. He is beyond curious as to how the giant is able to mine as quickly as he does, and how gentle he is. Their conversations are easy going and while they seem like an odd friend dynamic, Lucious gets reminded often of his friend Skull when interacting with Ramsworth. He is also teaching the gentle giant how to read and write better, and hopes he will start his own journal to jot down his thoughts and mining projects.
    • Phoebe- Where to even begin with Phoebe, Lucious is smitten with this woman. When he was first introduced to her, he wanted nothing more then to hear her laugh and see a smile painted over her face. He never understood in himself why he wanted so desperately her friendship, and her company, but now he knows. He isn't sure yet if he is in love with her, he doesn't really know what it means to be in love, but he knows he would burn down the other kingdoms just to make sure she is safe. He is beyond happy that she is his partner, and though they are an odd couple, he wishes that they will stay together for as long as she can deal with him.
    •  Blim- The small woman always knows how to make him laugh, and he enjoys her company a lot. He doesn't know much about her, or even what she is, but he hopes he can help her with anything she ask of him. He's glad they're friends and is always grateful to see her flying across the nether when he returns home for the errands he is running.

    Lucious is known by many as the "strange man from the nether" and he doesn't ever correct them. Despite his ability to cause destruction and set things ablaze, all he wishes to do is rebuild and help those he calls friends.

    Character Location
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    Chaotic Good
    Date of Birth
    -22 BEDD
    The Nether
    Current Residence
    Mixture of black to red, resembles that of burning coals
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Ash gray; Lighter patches on his arms
    Around 5'10
    140lb (approximate)
    Quotes & Catchphrases
    "What? I can't set it on fire? This is absurd"   "Look out! Loose golem on the run!"   "What are you going to do? Throw water on me? By gods you are oh fuc-"
    Known Languages
    Netherian, Common, Draconian, Wither-speak, Common and Netherian sign language

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