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Nova Ferntill

Nova Ferntill (a.k.a. The Pink Pathfinder)

Denizen of the Aremore woods, searching for a way to spark the passion of adventurers and activists, hoping their actions can better the world.   Spends their time lending ears to those who need to speak their mind, offering the advice they've gathered from folks over their time wandering. Enjoys their time in the woods, feeling the life surround them. Can get a 'little' too carried away in socializing, resulting in many a drinking contest gone awry.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Nova maintains a fairly lanky build despite... attempting... to perform most of their needed laboring. Thus, most day to day tasking comes from their small stature, used to perform more precise work, lending them to become more fine arts inclined.

Identifying Characteristics

Bright Pink hair, not being one of the most subtle of colors.

Physical quirks

A lightweight with the bottle, but eager nevertheless.

Apparel & Accessories

Usually dressed in a sleeveless purple shirt, keeping at the ready in case any work needs doing around their residence. Countering that they adorn a long, blue plaid skirt, something they readily enjoy spinning in when the perfect song starts to play. Upon their face they wear a set of round glasses, helping them admire the details of life.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Resided in the Woods of Aremore, tending to lost travellers as well as helping guide them to town if they happen to stray far enough from the path. They spent a large majority of their time simply thriving on the life they had their, taking their days easy and caring for the forest itself, keeping the ecosystem balanced. During the burning of the First Tree, they may not have lost anyone personally, but in their soul, they felt as if the life of their world had been snuffed. People carried on, but they could feel the emptiness in their spirits, draining on their own as well. They spent a long time in isolation in the woods, barely aware of the people roaming the forests, letting the wildlife care for itself, bringing their residence to become a snarled land of brambles and disarray.   One morning, taking their journey to fetch some berries from a stream, they spotted a young woman, wandering through the brush. Nova assumed they were lost and carried on with their foraging, but instead saw her clearing out the brambles around the stream. From within the bush, they watched in awe as a few woodland creatures timidly made their way to the shore, drinking as she gently stroked their back and bore a smile of pride and hope, filling Nova with that sense of empoerment they had long forgotten.   Since then, they had resumed their duties of treating the overgrowth of the woods and tending to the weary traveller. But times had changed, people were surviving, but Nova could sense they needed direction, guidance and a spark to light the fire under them. Thus, they began their journey to unite people together, helping inspire those who desperately need it.

Gender Identity





Most education comes from field and people they've worked with. Has an interest in construction and architecture as well as the alchemy involved in certain potions and brews.


Currently unoffical woodland guide and gardener Future goal of becoming a barkeep of some kind

Accomplishments & Achievements

Proud in their knowledge of the woods, their keen sense of direction having helped many a lost traveller

Failures & Embarrassments

Feels a sense of guilt over having left the woods, seeking to never leave a task unfinished

Intellectual Characteristics

Content in the autonomy they maintain, working to provide for themself, even if that means asking for help for harder tasks, it's still their drive helping these events take place.

Morality & Philosophy

Believes in a call to action in all people, something that drives them to do great things. In their mind, setting something in their sights will always bring someone success.

Personality Characteristics


Seeks to help others in their own tasks, hoping to ease their journey to a better self

Likes & Dislikes

They like weeds and cacti, enthralled by their ability to perservere despite their living conditions. They also enjoy the sweet taste of a good liqour, and it's ability to provide social lubricance to an awkward conversation.   They dislike maps, they are so impersonal to the land they show, missing the small vibrancies in the landscape. They also have a slight disappointment in slackers, finding their lack of motivation while still managing to complain a moral paradox.

Vices & Personality flaws

Believes they are being lazy if they don't actively do something they deem worth while. They adore gifts and parties, finding the social element irresistable.

Personality Quirks

Stubborn in their independence, if they have deemed something is doable by themself, they will cross the Nether and Deep Ocean to get it done...maybe with a few extra curse words tossed in


Keeps themself rather clean and tidy, though their skin usually ends up roughened and dirty from the labor of the day, failing to notice until they evenings setting sun.


Contacts & Relations

None at the moment, but they'll be damned if they dont meet new people

Family Ties

No personal ties to anyone at the moment, but searching for a group of people to call their "Bloom" (Patch of flowers)

Religious Views

Admires those that find religion in the natural forces of the world, finding those more powerful than deities


Can come off as interragatory, but is moreso curious and keen to know people better. At the mention of any kind of alcohol they will immediately consider you a good friend and offer to spend an eventing spinning yarn and pouring glasses

Hobbies & Pets

Keen to learn stitching, wanting to try and make things for people of a... greater staure than themself. Doesn't believe in the term pets, sees animal companions that they, or others, may have as friends rather than some kind of property

Wealth & Financial state

No monetary funds, but they have many supplies for trekking, trades with travellers and a few flowers they could sell

A short statured, high energy fae with a yearning to guide lost souls and bolster heroes.

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Pink Pathfinder, or their less liked name: The Woodland Cartographer
32 Years
Date of Birth
4th of Spring, -26 BEDD
Born in the woods of Aremore
Current Residence
Nomading around the forests of Aremore, searching for a place to call home
Fluid with the day
Hazel and Bright
Soft and pink with wild strands
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale but rugged, worked thoroughly with the fairness of a lily
5 and a half inches (the half is really important)
Quotes & Catchphrases
"So either you really wanted to see this particular tree... or you're lost dear friend" "Yes, I did say 'big tree', and this is the 'big tree'" It was in fact, a large bush "Oooo, is that honey mead?~"
Known Languages
Common, Fae, and sprinkled words of a few tongues

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Rejuvenation of the Tree

I finally finished caring for the bark on my home, it looks so fresh and pristine, I'm glad I'm able to make it shine once again. Apparently during my work, a festival took place in town, things of spiked wheels and autonomy of stone, it all sounds so marvelous! I may need to look into it myself. Rumors spread of the queen dying, though there hasn't been anything I can confirm, hopefully nothing too detrimental comes from this.   Had a visitor briefly stop by, claimed to be searching for flying mail-carriers... not something I've heard of, but hopeful to see one soon! As an aside, I was thoroughly engrossed in revitalizing the tree and nearly jumped from my skin when they arrived, I was so flustered, I forgot to offer them some cookies; hopefully they stop by again.   Headed to town to gather some fleece from the sheep they keep there, now I have some lovely furniture for when guests arrive! I really wish I could bring some of these crops and cattle home though, but the land is still recovering from my absence, and isn't quite fertile enough for more than my basic crops.   Due to the frequency of my travels, I thought to myself: "You know what'd be a smart thing to make, Nova? A road!" I gethered a few supplies and racked my brain on how others made theirs. It's not... the best... but it helps me get to town much safer. Got myself a new companion too, he helps move my sled of supplies. Not sure about a proper name yet, although I'm feeling a... Rupert? Not sure...

A Return to Aremore

It has been quite a while since I've returned back to the main town of Aremore, my dreams still haunt me, reminding me of that awful day. Fire, brimstone, all encompassing red. Shaking my head, I realize I've been idly walking for a while, not even aware of where I've ended up before it becomes night. Not able to find a place to stay, I go to the local pie shop and wait for day, not wanting to brave the dangers of the nocturne before returning home.   As I made my journey back from town towards my tree, I felt the dangers of living so far off the paved path stand taller than normal. Perhaps I should consider speaking with the city council about expanding the road closer to my home, that way I can make safe travels and people can have a place to stay while on their journey. Along the way, I came across strange pillars of stone, standing around the outskirts of the woods, burning with a blue flame. It seemed to be contained, but still, I got a strange sense of unease about their presence.   Returning home, I found my tree still standing tall, electing to spend the rest of the day tidying it up. It was a rater old tree, still standing long before I came along, so mending broken branches and resoiling some of the surrounding earth was important for it's continued growth


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