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Nova Ferntill
The Pink Pathfinder

A short statured, high energy fae with a yearning to guide lost souls and bolster heroes.

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Tue 28th Feb 2023 05:07

Rejuvenation of the Tree

by Nova Ferntill

I finally finished caring for the bark on my home, it looks so fresh and pristine, I'm glad I'm able to make it shine once again.
Apparently during my work, a festival took place in town, things of spiked wheels and autonomy of stone, it all sounds so marvelous! I may need to look into it myself. Rumors spread of the queen dying, though there hasn't been anything I can confirm, hopefully nothing too detrimental comes from this.
Had a visitor briefly stop by, claimed to be searching for flying mail-carriers... not something I've heard of, but hopeful to see one soon! As an aside, I was thoroughly engrossed in revitalizing the tree and nearly jumped from my skin when they arrived, I was so flustered, I forgot to offer them some cookies; hopefully they stop by again.
Headed to town to gather some fleece from the sheep they keep there, now I have some lovely furniture for when guests arrive! I really wish I could bring some of these crops and cattle home though, but the land is still recovering from my absence, and isn't quite fertile enough for more than my basic crops.
Due to the frequency of my travels, I thought to myself: "You know what'd be a smart thing to make, Nova? A road!"
I gethered a few supplies and racked my brain on how others made theirs. It's not... the best... but it helps me get to town much safer. Got myself a new companion too, he helps move my sled of supplies. Not sure about a proper name yet, although I'm feeling a... Rupert? Not sure...

Nova's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. A Return to Aremore
    24 Feb 2023 04:25:41
  2. Rejuvenation of the Tree
    28 Feb 2023 05:07:18

The major events and journals in Nova's history, from the beginning to today.

Met a lovely little moth and got introduced to... "pond water"... not the best meal, but I did learn about a brew shop I should check out at some point

03:59 am - 01.03.2023

Gonna wear myself out digging this preparatory tunnel... so much stone to move

03:28 am - 01.03.2023

Had a lovely little trip out to Aremore today. Met again with my first visitor, learned their name is Ranger and got introduced to another new face. Rekker is the local brewer, gardener all in one! Exchanged words and gave me the lovely idea to set up a shop in town. Would definitely make selling my goods easier. Briefly met someone named goose too, very fitting name. Also had my first sale! No lumber, just some saplings, but got some lovely alcohols in return. After a brief return home, had some surprise guests! Met another new face, ramsley, who offered to not only help with the road, but establish a tunnel to town. With the help of fuyuko, a snow golem according to him, I should have a nice snowy path to town!

02:46 am - 01.03.2023

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Nova.

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