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Ocelori (a.k.a. The Shadow)

Ocelori is an assassin/bounty hunter hailing from Pandrassa, who settled in Virkhagen five years ago.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ocelori is an assassin/bounty hunter. Much of his past is simply rumored, as he does not share much of his past. What little is known does not shed much light on what his secrets could be. He hails from Pandrassa, arriving in Virkhagen roughly five years ago, where he quickly found himself engaging with the bounty hunter's guild, which he quickly joined.


Ocelori works with the bounty hunter's guild of Virkhagen, but he also elects to adventure by himself and sell any treasures he might come across.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Ocelori's biggest accomplishments are also the ones that he keeps the most secret.
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Among criminal circles, the rumor persists that Ocelori was responsible for the assassinations and "accidents" that led to the ascension of Elia Byrne.

Failures & Embarrassments

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A traveller from Pandrassa once presented the idea that his father drove Ocelori out of Pandrassa as a way to ensure Ocelori would not supplant him as the leader of the Cult of Tenemor.

Morality & Philosophy

Not much is known about Ocelori's morals and philosophy, but many gather that he is, at the very least, morally grey. Upon his arrival in Virkhagen, he seemed unperturbed by the information about the Slaughter of the End. He likewise showed no real reaction to the destruction of Aremore. His work in the bounty hunter's guild suggests at least an indifference to violence. He also was mostly disinterested in the rebellion, and even seemed somewhat opposed to it.   Ocelori has an open distaste for Ecclesia of the Dawn, though the exact reasons for this are unknown.

Personality Characteristics


Ocelori's motivations are largely unknown. He seems to seek a respect that is commanded by the most powerful of individuals, though the reason behind that is unknown.
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The rumor about his father leads some to believe he seeks to gain power, experience, and wealth in Virkhagen before returning to Pandrassa to replace his father as leader of the Cult of Tenemor.

Likes & Dislikes

Ocelori seems to enjoy his work as a bounty hunter, in which he particularly specializes in stealth.   Ocelori particularly dislikes the Ecclesia of the Dawn, though the particular reasons for that are unknown.

Virtues & Personality perks

If Ocelori is treated with the respect he feels he is owed, he is a fairly amicable man. He won't deny someone help, though he does expect compensation, with the exception of the smallest of deeds.

Vices & Personality flaws

Ocelori is known to be a resentful man. Slights against him are invariably met with biting comments. Rumors of him taking more extreme measures circulate. Most who've heard of him know not to anger Ocelori, and the rumors that circulate about him further add to his reputation of someone not to anger.   Ocelori is mostly indifferent to others, however. The respect he feels he is due is often beyond the respect given to him. However, so long as one doesn't actively disrespect him, he will not take offense.   Ocelori exhibits a distaste for authority, particularly when he feels he is beyond its reach. Ocelori was reported to have stolen many items of value from Aremore after its destruction, when the town was at its weakest. Most familiar with Ocelori believe these reports to be true, as he would have believed the town unable to stop him from doing so. In Ephyrae, Ocelori has not been charged with any official crimes, though rumors of crimes persist, but he has many times been reported to be dismissive of and annoyed by the guards there.


Religious Views

Publicly, it is unknown if Ocelori follows a religion, and most assume he is an atheist. However, rumor circulates that he secretly follows a dark religion.
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Some believe he worships Tenemor, the god of darkness and death.

Ocelori is an assassin/bounty hunter hailing from Pandrassa, who settled in Virkhagen five years ago.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Evil
Current Location
Date of Birth
23rd of July, -19 BBED
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Golden brown fur dappled with dark rosettes

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