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Oculous was born in the End into a normal haunting of Enderians. It lived with its father, mother, and younger sister, raised with combat training to make its teleports more accurate (among other things). Once the End was invaded by Virkhagen, Oculous, along with many others, had no choice but to flee. The only way it knew how to get out was with the main portal, and everyone else had the same idea. Countless endermen and Enderians flocked to the main island to escape, creating a sea of panic. By time it had jumped through and escaped all the chaos, it was separated from its haunting. Its friends. Its kind. For all it knew, it was the only one of its species remaining. So it did all it could: survive. It wasn't flourishing, for sure, but with its natural abilities, it was able to go after bounties, survive the mobs of the night, and farm materials it may need. It didn't take too long for it to discover a nearby town, however. Ephyrae. Soon, it made its way there, leaving its camp behind to integrate in and live there. It was dirty when it arrived, the people looked at it weird, the whole movie scene played out. But in the end, it found refuge in the town.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

While at first glance it looks very tall and lanky, standing at a full 3 blocks tall, it can be quickly seen that Oculous has a lot of muscle. On average, Enderians can have 2-5 times the muscle density of the average human, giving them large amounts of strength and durability to make up for their naturally thin limbs.

Body Features

Various scars from cuts and water burns, fights, and general clumsiness, most notably over the entire left hand from a water burn. It also has a long tail and claws for self-defence and enderman particles surround it.

Facial Features

It has two large, symmetrical horns on top of the head, glowing purple freckles sprinkled across the face, shoulders, arms and chest, along with a rare Enderian jaw structure. The outer lips are hard and pointed, acting as a first row of teeth, with the actual teeth hiding behind being razor-sharp. The jaw can unhinge and open when Oculous is angered, scared, etc..., to reveal that the inside of its mouth is a light purple with a faint glow.

Identifying Characteristics

Heterochromia (right eye green, left eye purple), horns, tail, limp

Physical quirks

Oculous injured its left leg while survivng in the wild before finding Ephyrae, leaving it with a limp. It also rarely uses its offhand (left hand) due to a previously mentioned injury.

Special abilities

Like any other Enderian, Oculous can teleport, reach further, is extremely tall, and has a higher muscle density than humans. Oculous also knows many lullabies, which can help put itself and others to sleep. When it comes to sleeping, Oculous can stay up for weeks at a time before it must rest. If it pushes this limit too far, it'll end up sleeping for days at a time to replenish energy.

Apparel & Accessories

This Enderian dawns the cloak of its people; the one it wears in particular was made by its mother. Underneath the cloak is either armor, casual wear, or its old training uniform. The training uniform is yet another piece of apparel from home, the top half being a kimono-like robe with short (and sometimes no) sleeves that can be worn open or closed. The forearms are covered with iron plates, along with Oculous' hands, in order to block hits. Its pants are a mix between leather and wool to maximize comfort without completely removing the defence. To top off the training gear is a simple pair of black, lace-up boots, which Oculous has the front ends covered in more plates to protect its shins.

Specialized Equipment

Born and raised in the End surrounded by others who all share the same basic abilities, Oculous was trained on how to use those abilities fast, effectively, and precisely. It prioritized its teleporting skills over everything else, making it a slippery target to find and catch if the bounty ever finds itself above its head. It was also trained with swords exclusively before the events of the genocide, leaving it with good swordsmanship in combat, manners, cleaning, and care.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Oculous was born in the End to a mother and father and one older sibling. There should've been 3 siblings, but [REDACTED]

Gender Identity



Aro/ace. Once upon a time Oculous had a "girlfriend" of sorts back home, but the affection made it sick to its stomach.


Enderian education wasn't very common where Oculous was raised. Everyone was "homeschooled" in a sense, though most hauntings prioritized making their offspring into strong warriors. Oculous is very savvy on matters when it comes to the End and the proper ways to clean different swords based on material.


Oculous found a love for the chill ambiance of fishing, leading it to decide to fish and sell for profit at one of Ephyrae's market buildings. It once upon a time employed its Windborne neighbor, Krow.

Failures & Embarrassments

Once was attacked by a fox wearing a pumpkin, it still feels unsafe in its own home sometimes.

Mental Trauma

When someone asks about the End or Oculous' past, it tends to freeze. It's not over anything that happened, as it was all very recent. If the freeze isn't enough for someone to take a hint, it usually gets very defensive and angry. (More to be revealed!)

Intellectual Characteristics

The amount of battle knowledge this man has is incredibly high. It isn't the best at putting it into straight action, but it can win most fights by playing dirty and analyzing its opponents shortcomings.

Personality Characteristics


Holds a lot of resentment and hatred for Virkhagen due to the genocide of its people. While it currently is trying to integrate into Ephyrae with hopes to one day become a Sunbringer, its deep desire to burn Virkhagen to the ground will never rest.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

While it's good at cooking, combat, teleporting, and other tasks, Oculous is surprisingly terrible at parkour, navigation, crafting and other "basic" things, often finding itself with a guide on the matters.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Sour and spicy food, warmth (fire), fireworks, art. Dislikes: Sweet foods, water, cold, creepers, pumpkins

Virtues & Personality perks

If you are its friend, it will take a life for you. Oculous is not afraid to lose a life or to take one. It will live life on the run if it means that their friends are safe.

Vices & Personality flaws

Oculous does not trust easily, and if trust is broken, it will not hesitate to return to silence with that person. It is also a very harsh speaker, meaning it scares people by mistake.


Oculous takes dust bathes, similar to a chinchilla, as it cannot bathe normally.


Family Ties

2 parents and 1 sister (unknown if dead or alive)

Social Aptitude

Very bad at communicating with others to the point it will push friends away by mistake. Has zero social grace.

Hobbies & Pets

Pack of wolves it's dubbed as its "New Haunting"


Speaks in a very mature fashion, trying to stay proper and professional. When alone with friends, it becomes a quick speaker.

Acts like a stoic, emotionless warrior when deep down it's very emotional and will do anything to save those it loves.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Leader of the Allay
The End
Current Residence
Purple and green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark purple
9' 3"
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Revenge tastes so much better once it's been burned!"
Known Languages
English, German, Enderian language.

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ᒷリℸ ̣ ∷ǁ 1.

Roughly 4 days ago, I was interrupted from my (honestly not very safe) fishing spot. I was met face-to-face with a humanoid bearing wings. An Elytrian, if I recall correctly. He came my way looking for directions to Ephyrae, which is the only reason I didn't immediately tell him to leave me alone. I figured I could help him back since I needed to stop home anyways. The walk was incredibly awkward, to be honest. I didn't know what to talk about and it really seemed like this Elytrian didn't, either. I eventually tried to bring up the fact that I hadn't seen one of his kind before, and he actually seemed to get angry. Every time I'd mention his species by name, he'd correct me and state that he's an advanced Elytrian. Same difference to me. Making it back to Ephyrae, it didn't take long to notice that he was still following me, despite no longer needing to. Before I could ask about it, we were met with the realization that we were neighbors. ⎓⚍ᓵꖌ. Now knowing that I'm going to speak to this person pretty consistently, I finally asked for his name. "Krow". Quite a fitting name, I should test if he gets distracted by shiny objects someday. I ended up inviting him inside, as it's best to earn trust before giving it. We stayed inside for a while as a rainstorm came overhead, my water protection helmet can only do so much. I chatted with Krow for a bit while cooking, getting to know his story. After a while, the clouds parted, letting the sun shine through. We heard talking from outside, followed by a group of people at my door. They were looking for an Enderian and an Elytrian, we must've looked too perfect to pass up. Luckily, these people were also residents of Ephyrae, coming to us with a rumor. Apparently, the crystals around the city are not supposed to be there, but were actually spreading from a giant heart from within a temple. Or something like that. They had heard that to get to the heart, there were many trials, some requiring flight and teleportation. Requiring an Enderian and Elytrian. I just about felt my pearl skip a beat, and I agreed to help along with Krow. We set out to find the temple, locating it in a river. It began to rain again on our way over, forcing me to take cover until I decided to just book it to the temple. Krow was blocking my line of sight, making it hard to teleport, but I managed. The door was locked behind a riddle, something I struggled to figure out. Not only me, but same for the people I was trying to work with. By time "we" figured it out, I was so lost and frustrated that I've already forgotten the answer. Inside the temple was (if I recall correctly) 6 doors. Seeing the pearl hanging from the door for the trials of teleportation almost made me sick with how cruel it was. Nonetheless, we pushed forward. Each of us repeatedly failing and trying again (this was one of the most rage-inducing things I've been stuck doing), leaving my legs with new water burns by the end of my Enderian parkour challenge. At the end of our challenges were crystals that held the energies of what we had done, mine being a crystal of teleportation. Using all of our crystals (and with some struggles that shouldn't have been there), we unlocked a new room, which held the heart. There were guardians in the form of golems and skeletons protecting it, but eventually, we destroyed all of the enemies and the heart. We all split up the findings within as even as we could, then set back. We stayed at my place for a bit, until most left. Now it was just me, Krow, and one of the others that had helped us. His name was Neither. Time was spent chatting and eating some food, up until I remembered one of the things I received from the temple. I left for a moment before heading back home, my two guests still happily sitting around. The peace is nice in the Overworld, I can't deny. But chaos is in my nature. I can only wonder how long this will last. リᒷℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ∷¦ℸ ̣ ᒷ ∷ᒷᓵᒷ¦⍊ᒷ⟍̅. ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷǁ ∴¦ꖎꖎ !¡ᔑǁ.


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