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Acts like a stoic, emotionless warrior when deep down it's very emotional and will do anything to save those it loves.

Played by
David Gallagher

Hi I draw and write.

Wed 15th Feb 2023 08:02

ᒷリℸ ̣ ∷ǁ 1.

by Oculous

Roughly 4 days ago, I was interrupted from my (honestly not very safe) fishing spot. I was met face-to-face with a humanoid bearing wings. An Elytrian, if I recall correctly. He came my way looking for directions to Ephyrae, which is the only reason I didn't immediately tell him to leave me alone. I figured I could help him back since I needed to stop home anyways. The walk was incredibly awkward, to be honest. I didn't know what to talk about and it really seemed like this Elytrian didn't, either. I eventually tried to bring up the fact that I hadn't seen one of his kind before, and he actually seemed to get angry. Every time I'd mention his species by name, he'd correct me and state that he's an advanced Elytrian. Same difference to me.
Making it back to Ephyrae, it didn't take long to notice that he was still following me, despite no longer needing to. Before I could ask about it, we were met with the realization that we were neighbors. ⎓⚍ᓵꖌ. Now knowing that I'm going to speak to this person pretty consistently, I finally asked for his name. "Krow". Quite a fitting name, I should test if he gets distracted by shiny objects someday. I ended up inviting him inside, as it's best to earn trust before giving it.
We stayed inside for a while as a rainstorm came overhead, my water protection helmet can only do so much. I chatted with Krow for a bit while cooking, getting to know his story. After a while, the clouds parted, letting the sun shine through. We heard talking from outside, followed by a group of people at my door. They were looking for an Enderian and an Elytrian, we must've looked too perfect to pass up. Luckily, these people were also residents of Ephyrae, coming to us with a rumor. Apparently, the crystals around the city are not supposed to be there, but were actually spreading from a giant heart from within a temple. Or something like that. They had heard that to get to the heart, there were many trials, some requiring flight and teleportation. Requiring an Enderian and Elytrian. I just about felt my pearl skip a beat, and I agreed to help along with Krow.
We set out to find the temple, locating it in a river. It began to rain again on our way over, forcing me to take cover until I decided to just book it to the temple. Krow was blocking my line of sight, making it hard to teleport, but I managed. The door was locked behind a riddle, something I struggled to figure out. Not only me, but same for the people I was trying to work with. By time "we" figured it out, I was so lost and frustrated that I've already forgotten the answer. Inside the temple was (if I recall correctly) 6 doors. Seeing the pearl hanging from the door for the trials of teleportation almost made me sick with how cruel it was. Nonetheless, we pushed forward. Each of us repeatedly failing and trying again (this was one of the most rage-inducing things I've been stuck doing), leaving my legs with new water burns by the end of my Enderian parkour challenge. At the end of our challenges were crystals that held the energies of what we had done, mine being a crystal of teleportation. Using all of our crystals (and with some struggles that shouldn't have been there), we unlocked a new room, which held the heart. There were guardians in the form of golems and skeletons protecting it, but eventually, we destroyed all of the enemies and the heart. We all split up the findings within as even as we could, then set back. We stayed at my place for a bit, until most left.
Now it was just me, Krow, and one of the others that had helped us. His name was Neither. Time was spent chatting and eating some food, up until I remembered one of the things I received from the temple. I left for a moment before heading back home, my two guests still happily sitting around. The peace is nice in the Overworld, I can't deny. But chaos is in my nature. I can only wonder how long this will last.
リᒷℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ∷¦ℸ ̣ ᒷ ∷ᒷᓵᒷ¦⍊ᒷ⟍̅. ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷǁ ∴¦ꖎꖎ !¡ᔑǁ.

The major events and journals in Oculous's history, from the beginning to today.

Putting together a shop is surprisingly difficult. Interior design wasn't really a thing back home, I'm unsure of what I'm doing

05:45 pm - 09.03.2023

Received an umbrella today. I am pleased.

08:17 am - 05.03.2023

ᒷリℸ ̣ ∷ǁ 1.

Roughly 4 days ago, I was interrupted from my (honestly not very safe) fishing spot. I was met face-to-face with a humanoid bearing wings. An Elytrian, if I recall correctly. He came my way looking for directions to Ephyrae, which is the only reason I di...

02:36 pm - 15.02.2023

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Oculous.

Played by
David Gallagher

Hi I draw and write.