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VIRKHAGEN | The Debrief

Gathering / Conference


On a cold deary day, the Virkhagen people all collected in mass to hear what their leader, Hans had to say. As weeks prior fliers were thrown about. Tension was high with the disappearance of many of the members of Virkhagen.

Hans stands on his overhang, hands crasping the stone of his hold with bated breath.

My friends, I have noticed your worries. Your concerns are founded. A loss of one life is a loss of many here in Virkhagen, I know this. I simply hope you all trust me enough to know I wish no ill fate on any of you. But, this is not why I called you here.   It has come to our attention that we have found the answer we all want. What happened to the past settlements? Why did we return to this world without memories, without much of anything.
  Sarah enters the overhang and hands Hans a book, the appearance, even from a distance is clear it is not that of a normal book. He exhales.
This book here was found below our very feet. By the civilizations that lie behind us. And,
He opens the book flipping a page.
As it states within, there are 128 strongholds.. Yes, that many. And unfortnately, it seems these very things are exactly like that of the nether. Corruptors. They remain active bringing forth creatures from the dimension known as the End. Perhaps you've even seen a few. However, you also must know how dangerous it is. It has taken lives from us all, has it not?
He turns to Sarah, placing a hand on her shoulder.
Creatures from the End are not to be trusted. They, unlike us, have no intentions of sharing our home. Instead, our lives are a mere game. But, we are no plaything. Our recruits have sent them a message, and gone to snuff them out. All but one.
  He closes the book with a thud.  
This is why I have come to you now. I- no, We need you. Without your aid once more, our world- our home will fall once more. As the name suggests, The End is coming. My fellows, we are not idle hands. We fight till our last breath.
Will you let them strike first, or will you follow me into the End?
  The crowd had very little to say in disagreement, with many having lost loved ones or even their own lives to creatures that crawled from that cursed dimension. And so, the prepartions began.

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