Chessa Stiedry

Chessa Stiedry (a.k.a. Crystal)

Growing up in NIght City can be rough. If you're an orphan in Vista del Rey who's trying hard not to be dragged into gang violence, it's worse. Chesssa saw most of her childhood friends join the Valentinos for security and many of the rest join 6th Street for the same reason. And then, in all their safety, they were told to kill each other.   With no education and no actual contacts outside the criminal underworld she was trying to avoid, Chessa assumed early on that she'd get nowhere. All she could do was to live off of whatever crumbs others threw her way. She wasn't the earliest of those around her to go through puberty, but when she did, that others would now give her more just to be close wasn't lost on her.   Chessa started stripping when she was 16, using a fake ID to get around the law. Not that many would care anyway. While the money wasn't much in absolute terms, it was more than she had dreamed she could ever get. By the time she turned 18, she had saved up enough for some sexy cybernetic enhancements. She was convinced by a client to have sex for money soon after that. More clients followed, and she took the moniker "Crystal" to be appropriately anonymous as a prostitute. To someone who imagined they had nothing to offer the world, the fact that others would enjoy her body enough to pay her sizeable sums of money seemed to good to be true. Sure, she wouldn't have let a lot of clients near her if it had been up to her, and sometimes she felt like her body wasn't hers anymore, but at least she's good for something, right? Right?   When doubts creep in, there are only two options and Chessa wasn't prepared to deal qith the consequences of examining her life. Smash, Blue Glass, some other drug — or even good old alcohol — can drown out the doubt for a bit. It allowed her to flee. Of course, drug habits can get expensive. Her dealer set her up with his boss, Atlas Kane, who ran a brothel out of Kabuki and Chessa didn't feel she had any choice but to accept.   Chessa is much better at noticing things and studying people than she'd ever give herself credit for. Things at the brothel, Tiennin, were not right. Most working girls and boys didn't stay long. They might have been fired or quit, except it was frequently unanticipated and odd. Atlas and some others made more than a place like that should be able to afford. The more she saw, the more she got afraid that someone would realize what she had seen. She hadn't expected to live much past 20 anyway, but it's scary to wonder every day if it would be her last. And if she'd suffer as she died.   That's why she was prepared to trust a group of strangers who wanted to know about the weird things going on. Her bet paid off, sort of. It seems Atlas had made a run for it and the club was shut down. Judging by the police presence, whatever they had found, it must have been bad. But this also means she was alone again. Alone, with upcoming rent and a need to fry some synapses. She'd clean up if she could, but it's not like life would do her any favors.

Works at Tiennin because she has to.

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Year of Birth
2055 CE 20 Years old
Night City , NCA, USA
Blonde, shoulder length


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