The Valentinos define Heywood aslmost as it's defined by the district. Their grafitti can be seen everywhere and proudly displays their values to the world. Not all members are latino, but the gang depends on a sense of closeness that means practically everyone hails from Heywood, and that means a lot are latinos.   The gang as a whole is vary Catholic, though they have their own interpretations of some dogma. They talk about Santa Muerte as their patron and both revere and fear death and are careful not to invoke the name needlessly. Even non-religious members are likely to carry some symbols of faith as a sign of allegience.   If you're a member of the Valentinos, you are family and expected to help the gang as much as you would any parent, sibling, or child. But you can also rely on the gang being there for you in the same way. Sometimes, this means tough love, but in the end, a Valentino is your brother or sister. Disloyalty or turning away other members in need are the greatest sins one could ever commit. Those outside the gang — outside the family — are free game.


The Valentino's (before dropping the apostrophe) started out as a posergang trying to romance the most unattainable ones they could imagine. This changed after the Night City Holocaust as the need to survive became a focus on friends and family. When Heywood shifted towards where it is today, the gang followed suit. The significant latino population in the area, together with the gang's newfound ideas of family shaped much of what it is today.
Illicit, Gang