Memorial Park

The nuclear detonation devastated not only Arasaka Tower in 2023, but destroyed most of the inner city and left the rest in pieces. Thousands dead. Tens of thousands more suffered in the aftermath. The cost to rebuild has been a hundred billion eurodollars. The collective trauma it has inflicted on both individual and corporate levels can't be overstated.   When Corpo Plaza was rebuilt, room was left for a multi-level park in the middle. Lincoln Boulevard and Martin Luther King Boulevard cut through the mark on different levels, which allows drivers to enjoy it even as they pass through. The roundabout at the base of the park interconnects with many streets and helps bring the corporations with headquarters here close to everyone.   The park has five tiers. At the bottom, below ground, lies the NCART metro station. If NightCorp gets their wish, there'll be a station another level below, serving the MagLev train across the continent. While Memorial Park is a busy station, it's also well designed and rarely feels cramped. The extra Militech security forces help.   On ground level, Memorial Park acts as a minor shopping mall with space for food stalls and more in the open center. One next two floors up are circular promenades with LifeLikeā„¢ trees and grass surrounding benches. Those are also the levels where Lincon and MLK cross through. The top ring has a transparent floor at the center, allowing visitors to see the city from every angle. This is especially breathtaking with the skyscrapers of Night City's most impressive megacorps all around.
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