Roving Autonomous Bartmoss Interface Drones — R.A.B.I.D.s for short — are viruses originally created by Rache Bartmoss and released onto the NET when he died in 2022. They were made to resemble their creator in appearance and tased with breaking into any corporate datafortress and spread any information therein. However, the program mutated quickly as it spread to new systems and soon grew past its paramiters. R.A.B.I.D.s broke into any system they can, burning the brains of any connected Netrunners, corrupting any data, and driving any AI violently insane.

The cascade effect the cirus had was the central cause of the DataKrash. The Blackwall keeps R.A.B.I.D.s out of any cuurent system, but if even one is able to get past its defenses, it might spell the end of the new NET.

Coded by
Rache Bartmoss
General AI


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