The Voodoo boys have had quite a journey. They started off as a poser gang with a panache for Voodoo imagery. In the 2030s, they had an influx of actual practitioners and became something to a church or cult centered on the religion. Their numbers dwindled during this time. As Night City was reconstructed in the 40s and 50s, the VDBs were pushed out of most of their haunts and were relegated to the neglected Pacifica district. The area had little at that point and the gang turned to the NET for opportunities, gaining a reputation for Netrunning.

When investors started planning for a new and revitalized Pacifica in the very early 60s, the Voodoo boys involved themselves where they could. The destruction of Haiti in 2063 changed everything, however. Refugees flocked to Night City, and many joined the Voodoo boys because of the shared cultural identity. They found jobs in the district's construction but also expanded the illegal gang activities. This new group wasn't as religious, and the trappings of Voodoo became more symbolic that signs if faith again.

The Unification War halted all construction in Pacifica overnight. People just didn't get paid or were given tools one day. The Voodoo boys came to the rescue of the Haitian population, who showed themselves capable, especially those with an understanding of networks. They are now the largest and by far the most coordinated gang outside Dogtown in Pacifica. However, the gang's size and resources remain unknown to outsiders. Secrecy is key to their survival.


Since Pacifica's collapse because of the Unification War, the VDBs have only accepted members of Haitian descent. Resources were scarce, and they tried to keep it all in the family, so to speak. Over time, this has escalated to a general disdain towards any non-Haitians. They'll help Haitians who aren't gang members many times over before they'll even consider doing a favor to an outsider. A ranyon — a rag.

Voodoo Boys demands that members provide at least one of three things: youth and a desire to learn, experience of the NET, or brawn and being happy to remain a grunt. They have no need for pure muscle other than to stand guard and no interest in running various businesses. While they do run some protection rackets, they do so via networks they can access. No member of the gang openly visits the premises of their target. All they need to do is leave a threat in a part of the system outsides shouldn't be able to access. Dealings in cash are done via drones. And the higher up a member is within the VDBs, the less likely they are to ever be seen.

Illicit, Gang


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